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Practical Income Manual 2020.

2. Contributions and contributions to social security mutual societies

In relation to the reduction of said contributions and contributions, the following assumptions, particular conditions and requirements must be taken into account:

Subjective requirements

  1. Professionals not integrated into any of the Social Security regimes .

    The amounts paid under insurance contracts concluded with social security mutual societies by professionals not integrated into any of the Social Security regimes, by their spouses and first-degree blood relatives, as well as by workers of the mentioned mutual societies, in the part that aims to cover the contingencies provided for in article 8.6 of the consolidated text of the Law on the Regulation of Pension Plans and Funds (retirement; total and permanent work incapacity for the usual profession or absolute and permanent for all work, and severe disability; death of the participant or beneficiary and severe dependence or great dependence of the participant), provided that said amounts have not been considered a deductible expense for determining the net income from economic activities.

    See, within Chapter 7, and " Expenses of the owner of the activity " the point "Specialties in personal income tax for contributions to Social Security Mutual Funds of the businessman or professional himself."

  2. Professionals or individual entrepreneurs integrated into any of the Social Security regimes .

    The amounts paid under insurance contracts concluded with social security mutual societies by professionals or individual entrepreneurs integrated into any of the Social Security regimes, by their spouses and first-degree blood relatives, as well as by workers, are entitled to reductions. of the aforementioned mutual societies in the part that aims to cover the contingencies mentioned in the previous paragraph.

  3. Employed workers or working partners .

    The amounts paid under insurance contracts concluded with social security mutual societies by employed workers or working partners are entitled to a reduction, including the contributions of the promoter that have been attributed to them as income from work, when they are made in accordance with the provisions of the first Additional Provision of the consolidated text of the Law on the Regulation of Pension Plans and Funds, relating to the protection of pension commitments with workers, including unemployment for the aforementioned worker partners.

    Likewise, the amounts paid under insurance contracts concluded with social security mutual societies that have established the corresponding Professional Associations, by registered mutual members who are employed workers, by their spouses and first-degree blood relatives, give the right to reduction. , as well as by the workers of the aforementioned mutual societies, as long as there is an agreement of the corresponding bodies of the mutual society that only allows benefits to be collected when the contingencies provided for in article 8.6 of the consolidated text of the Plan Regulation Law occur. and Pension Funds. These contingencies are discussed in letter A) above.

Objective requirements

The consolidated rights of mutual members may only be made effective in the cases provided for pension plans by article 8.8 of the aforementioned consolidated text of the Law on the Regulation of Pension Plans and Funds (long-term unemployment, serious illness and from 2025 for contributions 10 years old).

Furthermore, as a consequence of the health crisis caused by Covid-19, the twentieth Additional Provision of Royal Decree-Law 11/2020, of March 31, which adopts complementary urgent measures in the social and economic sphere to address the Covid-19 (BOE of April 1) and article 23 of Royal Decree-Law 15/2020, of April 21, on complementary urgent measures to support the economy and employment (BOE of 22), exceptionally established and exclusively during the period between March 14 and September 14, 2020, the possibility that pension plan participants could make effective their consolidated rights in certain cases of unemployment, cessation of activity or reduction in billing; which are also applicable to social security mutual societies. Assumptions discussed in this Chapter, within the common rules applicable to contributions to social security systems, in the section on early disposal of consolidated rights .

The amounts received in these situations are subject to the tax regime established for pension plan benefits.