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Practical manual for Income Tax 2020.

Regional section of the deduction for investment in habitual residence

Regulations: Art. 119 Law 2/2014, of January 27, on fiscal, administrative, financial and public sector measures , of the Autonomous Community of Catalonia.

For taxpayers to whom the transitional regime of the deduction for investment in habitual residence regulated by the eighteenth transitional provision of the Law of Personal Income Tax applies, the percentages in the autonomous section for residents of the Autonomous Community of Catalonia are those established by article 1.2 of Law 31/2002, of December 30, on fiscal and administrative measures, in the version in force on December 31, 2012:

  • 7.5 percent , in general.
  • 15% , if it involves works to adapt the habitual residence of people with disabilities.

Likewise, the sixth transitional provision of Law 7/2011, of July 27, on Fiscal and Financial Measures, will be applicable to these taxpayers, which maintains for taxpayers who have acquired their habitual residence before July 30, 2011, or have paid, before this date, amounts for the construction of their habitual residence, the application of an increased percentage of when they are in any of the following situations:

  1. Be 32 or younger years of age on the tax accrual date (normally December 31).
  2. Having been unemployed for 183 days or more during the year.
  3. Have a degree of disability equal to or greater than 65% .
  4. Be part of a family unit that includes at least one child on the tax accrual date.

In order to enjoy the 9 percent deduction percentage , it is necessary that the total taxable base, less the personal and family minimum , in the IRPF declaration of the taxpayer corresponding to the year in which the deduction is applied does not exceed 30,000 euros .

In the case of joint taxation, this limit is calculated individually for each of the taxpayers who are entitled to the deduction for having made investments in their habitual residence during the year.