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Practical manual for Income Tax 2020.

Applicable surcharges

Regulations: Art. 27 General Tax Law

## It should be noted that, with the exception of the cases mentioned above, income corresponding to declarations that are voluntarily submitted after the end of the declaration period without prior request from the tax authorities in this regard, will have a surcharge of a variable amount depending on the delay, excluding the penalties that, otherwise, could have been required. The applicable surcharges are as follows:

  • 5, 10 or 15 percent of the amount paid, excluding late payment interest, if the payment is made, respectively, within three, six or twelve months following the end of the declaration period.
  • 20% and the corresponding late payment interest, if the payment is made after the twelve months indicated above have elapsed.

Late payment interest will be charged for the period elapsed from the day following the end of the 12 months following the end of the deadline established for submission until the time when the self-assessment has been submitted.

All of this, without prejudice to the fact that the surcharge may be reduced by 25% of its amount in the cases and with the requirements provided for in article 27.5 of the General Tax Law.

Delay in admissionApplicable surcharge
Up to 3 months 5 per 100
From 3 months and one day to six months 10 percent
From 6 months and one day to 12 months 15 percent
More than 12 months 20% + late payment interest