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Practical manual for Income Tax 2020.

15. Long Term Savings Plans

Regulations: Art. 7.ñ) and Additional Provision twenty-sixth Law IRPF

on capital assets from life insurance, deposits and financial contracts through which Long-Term Savings Plans are implemented, as referred to in the Twenty-Sixth Additional Provision of the Income Tax Law are exempt provided that the taxpayer does not make withdrawal of the capital resulting from the Plan before the end of the five-year period from opening

Long-Term Savings Plans are discussed in more detail in Chapter 5.

Any provision of the aforementioned capital or failure to comply with any other requirement of those provided for in the twenty-sixth Additional Provision of the Personal Income Tax Law before the end of said period , will determine the obligation to integrate the income referred to in the previous paragraph generated during the validity of the Plan in the tax period in which such failure occurs.

The exemption only applies to positive returns on personal capital. negative returns that be obtained during the term of the Long-Term Savings Plan, including any that may be obtained upon termination of the Plan, will be imputed to the tax period in which said termination occurs and only in the part of the total amount of said negative returns that exceeds the sum of the returns from the same Plan to which the exemption would have been applied.