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Practical Income Manual 2020.

12. Relevant literary, artistic or scientific awards declared exempt by the Tax Administration and Princess of Asturias awards

Regulations: Articles 7.l) Law Personal Income Tax and 3 Regulations of Personal Income Tax . Order EHA /3525/2008, of November 20, which establishes the procedure for the declaration of exemption from Personal Income Tax of certain prizes literary, artistic or scientific ( BOE of December 5).

A. In general

A relevant literary, artistic or scientific award will be considered to be the granting of goods or rights to one or more persons, without compensation, in reward or recognition of the value of literary, artistic or scientific works, as well as the merit of their activity or work. in general, in such matters.

To be declared exempt, prizes must meet the following conditions:

a. Your call must meet the following requirements established in article 3.3 of the Personal Income Tax Regulations .

  • Have a national or international character.
  • Do not establish any limitations regarding the contestants for reasons unrelated to the essence of the prize.
  • That its announcement be made public in the Official Gazette of the State or the Autonomous Community and in, at least, one newspaper with large national circulation (except in the case of awards that are announced abroad or by International Organizations). 

b. The prize must be awarded with respect to works executed or activities developed prior to its call, and scholarships, aid and, in general, amounts intended for the prior or simultaneous financing of works or works related to literary subjects are therefore excluded from this exemption. , artistic or scientific.

c. The exemption from relevant literary, artistic or scientific awards must have been expressly declared by the Director of the Tax Management Department of the State Tax Administration Agency through the procedure that regulates the Order EHA/3525/2008, of November 20, which establishes the procedure for the declaration of exemption from personal income tax for certain literary, artistic or scientific awards (BOE of December 5).

The declaration of exemption will be valid for successive calls as long as they do not modify the terms that had been taken for the purposes of granting the exemption. If in successive calls these terms are modified, or any of the requirements for its application are not met, the loss of the right to its application will be declared.

The list of literary, artistic or scientific awards declared exempt by the Tax Agency can be consulted on page

B. The "Princess of Asturias" awards

The "Princess of Asturias" awards, in their different modalities, awarded by the Princess of Asturias Foundation, are declared exempt .