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Practical manual for Income Tax 2020.

Reduced net yield

The reduced net return on real estate capital corresponding to each of the properties producing said returns is, in general, the result of applying to the net return the reductions that correspond to those previously mentioned.

When the purchaser, assignee, lessee or sub-lessee of the real estate or the real right that falls on it is a family member, in the terms previously discussed, the reduced net income will be the greater of the following two amounts:

  1. Net income corresponding to the leasing or transfer of the property, once the reductions arising from those previously mentioned have been applied to it, where applicable.
  2. The minimum computable income for the aforementioned property in the case of kinship.


Mr. SPT has had a commercial premises and two homes of its property rented throughout the year, with the respective gross income and deductible expenses for the 2020 financial year amounting to the following amounts:

InformationHousing 1Housing 2Premises
Gross income 6,865.00 7,980.00 10,230.00
reparation and conservation 2.150,00 9.210,00 5,890.00
Taxes, surcharges and fees ( IBI ) 500.00 900,00 350,00
Community of owners 580,00 1,385.00 540,00
Amortization of real estate (*) 200.00 300,00 320,00

(*) The amounts allocated to the amortization of the properties have been calculated by applying 3% of the cadastral value of the properties. (Back)

Determine the reduced net return on real estate capital for the year 2020.


1. Determination of the net return on real estate capital from leased properties.

InformationHousing 1Housing 2Premises
Gross income 6,865.00 7,980.00 10,230.00
reparation and conservation 2.150,00 7,980.00 (1) 5,890.00
Taxes, surcharges and fees (IBI) 500.00 900,00 350,00
Community of owners 580,00 1,385.00 540,00
Amortization of real estate 200.00 300,00 320,00
Net performance 3,435.00 –2,585.00 3.130,00

2. Reduction in income from leasing of dwellings 1 and 2:

InformationHousing 1Housing 2
Net performance 3,435.00 –2,585.00
Reduction of article 23.2 Law IRPF 2.061,00 0.00 (2)
Reduced net yield 1,374.00 –2,585.00

3. Sum of reduced net returns on real estate capital: [1,374.00 + (–2,585.00) + 3,130.00] = 1,919.0

Notes to the example:

(1) The total amount to be deducted for the repair and maintenance costs of "home 2" cannot exceed the amount of the gross income obtained from said home. The excess (9,210 – 7,980 = 1,230) may be deducted in the following four years, without the deduction being able to exceed, together with the expenses for these same concepts corresponding to each of these years, the amount of the gross income obtained from the rental of said property. (Back)

(2) The 60% reduction applies in the event that the net income derived from the property is positive, so in this case, since the net income derived from the property or right is negative, the reduction will not be applicable. (Back)