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Practical manual for Income Tax 2020.

a) Comprehensive income and net return rates

To calculate the prior net income, the income obtained from products or services derived from agricultural, livestock and forestry activities and the "net income indices" applicable to each of them must be taken into account.

To this end, within each agricultural, livestock and forestry activity that is considered independent, the total income from each of the types of products obtained, or services provided, will be recorded in section D3 of the declaration in the corresponding box of those numbered from 1 to 16 according to the relationship contained in table reproduced in its specific section.

The “net return index” applicable in each case will be applied to said income. For the 2020 financial year, the applicable net performance indices are those listed in table in this chapter and which reproduce those approved in Annex I and in the second Additional Provision of Order HAC /1164/2019, of November 22 ( BOE of 30 ).

However, in cases where the Minister of Finance has authorized the reduction of said indices for a specific sector or geographical area, due to the development of agricultural or livestock activities having been affected by fires, floods or other exceptional circumstances, the net performance indices approved in the ministerial orders published for this purpose shall apply.

Likewise, when the development of activities is affected by fires, floods, subsidence or major breakdowns in industrial equipment, which entail serious alterations in the development of the activity, interested parties may request the reduction of the signs, indexes or modules applicable in the Administration or Delegation of the Tax Agency corresponding to their tax domicile, within 30 days from the date on which they occur, providing the evidence they consider appropriate and mentioning, where appropriate, the compensation to be received due to such alterations.

Once the effectiveness of these changes has been confirmed, the reduction of the signs, indices or modules that are appropriate may be authorized.