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Practical Income Manual 2021.

Community of Valencia

Regulations: Art. 2 Law 13/1997, of December 23, which regulates the regional section of the personal income tax and other transferred taxes .

Scale applicable in fiscal year 2021 by taxpayers residing in said fiscal year in this Autonomous Community 
Liquidable base up to (euros)Full fee (euros)Remainder base liquidable up to (euros)Applicable rate (%)
0.00 0.00 12,450.00 10.00
12,450.00 1,245.00 4,550.00 11.00
17,000.00 1,745.50 13,000.00 13.90
30,000.00 3,552.50 20,000.00 18.00
50,000.00 7,152.50 15,000.00 23.50
65,000.00 10,677.50 15,000.00 24.50
80,000.00 14,352.50 40,000.00 25.00
120,000.00 24,352.50 20,000.00 25.50
140,000.00 29,452.50 35,000.00 27.50
175,000.00 39,077.50 From there on 29.50