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Practical manual for Income Tax 2021.

Table: Deduction for investments in the Canary Islands

Investments that remain in the Canary Islands, made by individuals who carry out economic activities in the Canary Islands and determine their returns by direct estimation, may be eligible for the General Deduction Regime provided for in the Corporate Tax Law with the specific percentages and limits indicated in the following table:

Note: This deduction is incompatible with the deduction for investment in new elements of tangible fixed assets or real estate investments related to economic activities.

Types of investmentsPercentage of deductionJoint limit
For investments in research and development activities and technological innovation (art. 35 LIS ): In research and development (art. 35.1 LIS) 45/75.6/28 percent 37 percent (additional)

60% or 90%, generally for the Canary Islands

70 percent or 100 percent (for the islands of La Palma, La Gomera and El Hierro) (1)

In technological innovation (art. 35.2 LIS) 45 percent
For investments in film productions, audiovisual series and live shows of performing and musical arts (art. 36 LIS ): In Spanish productions of feature films and audiovisual series (art. 36.1 LIS) 54/45 percent
In foreign productions of feature films or audiovisual works - for execution costs incurred in Spanish territory - (art. 36.2 LIS) 54/45 percent (excluded from the joint limit)
In live shows of performing arts and music -For production and exhibition expenses- (art. 36.3 LIS) 40 percent
For job creation for workers with disabilities (art. 38 LIS ) 11,700/15,600 euros per person/year
For investments in West African territories [art. 27 bis.1.a) Law 19/1994] 15/10 percent 25 percent or 50 percent
For advertising and publicity expenses [art. 27 bis.1.b) Law 19/1994] 15/10 percent 25 percent or 50 percent
For investments in the acquisition of fixed assets 25 percent

50% individual and 70% group

60% individual and 80% group (for the islands of La Palma, La Gomera and El Hierro) (2) 


(1) For the islands of La Palma, La Gomera and El Hierro, the joint limits (60% or 90%) are raised to 70% and 100% respectively, when the Community regulations on state aid so permit and the investments are contemplated in Law 2/2016, of 27 September, and other laws on measures to regulate the economic activity of these islands. (Back)

(2) For the islands of La Palma, La Gomera and El Hierro, the joint limits of 50% (individual) and 70% (joint) are raised to 60% and 80%, respectively, when the Community regulations on state aid so permit and the investments are contemplated in Law 2/2016, of 27 September, and other laws on measures to regulate the economic activity of these islands. (Back)