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Practical manual for Income Tax 2021.

For works to adapt the habitual residence for people with disabilities

Regulations: Art. 14 ter Revised Text of the current legal provisions issued by the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands on transferred taxes , approved by Legislative Decree 1/2009, of April 21.

See also the first Additional Provision of Decree Law 12/2021, of September 30, which adopts tax, organizational and management measures as a result of the volcanic eruption on the island of La Palma (BOC 01-10-2021)

La Palma volcanic eruption: of in accordance with the First Additional Provision of Legislative Decree 12/2021, the right to the deductions made in the autonomous full personal income tax rate for the amounts paid for this concept will NOT be lost, despite the fact that the usual homes have been destroyed by the volcanic eruption of La Palma, and this deduction may continue to be applied for the amounts that may continue to pay.

Amount of deduction

10 percent of the amounts paid in the tax period, for works and installations to adapt housing due to disability.

Requirements and other conditions for the application of the deduction

The concept of works or installations to adapt the habitual residence due to disability, as well as the maximum deduction base and the remaining requirements required for the deduction to be applied are those contained in article 68.1 of Law 35/2006, of November 28, on Personal Income Tax , in the version in force on January 1, 2012 .

Joint deduction limit

The sum of the amount of this deduction together with the regional deductions "For amounts allocated by their owners to the restoration, rehabilitation or repair of real estate declared of Cultural Interest", "For investment in habitual housing" and "For energy rehabilitation works of the habitual housing" may not exceed 15% of the regional total quota, box [0546] of the declaration.