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Practical Income Manual 2021.

To promote self-employment of young people under 35 years of age

Regulations: Art. 16 Text Recast of the legal provisions of the Community of Madrid regarding taxes transferred by the State, approved by Legislative Decree 1/2010, of October 21.

Deduction amount

1,000 euros for taxpayers in which the following circumstances occur:

  • That they are under 35 years old

  • Who register for the first time , as a natural person or as a participant in an entity under the income attribution regime, in the Census of Entrepreneurs, Professionals and Retainers provided for in Royal Decree 1065/2007 , of July 27, which approves the General Regulation of Actions and Procedures for Tax Management and Inspection and Development of the Common Standards of Tax Application Procedures ( BOE of September 5).

Requirements for applying the deduction

  • The deduction will be made in the tax period in which the registration in the Census occurs.

  • That the activity is carried out mainly in the territory of the Community of Madrid .

  • That the taxpayer remains in the aforementioned Census for at least one year from registration .

    This requirement will not be considered non-compliance in the event of the taxpayer's death before the expiration of one year from registration in the census, provided that he or she has not been removed from the census before death. .

  • In joint taxation the amount of the deduction will not be multiplied by the number of members of the family unit that meet the requirements for its application .