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Practical manual for Income Tax 2022.

Table: Classification of yields according to their origin

OriginPerformance classExamples
Equity Securities (Shares and other equity interests in any type of entity) Returns obtained from participation in the equity of entities
  • Dividends, attendance bonuses at meetings and participation in profits of entities
  • Constitution or transfer of rights or powers of use or enjoyment of shares and participations
  • Any profit derived from the status of partner, shareholder, associate or participant
  • Distribution of the issue premium and capital reduction with return of contributions in traded securities whose amounts exceed the acquisition value of the respective shares

Fixed-income securities and other financial instruments

Equity transferred to third parties

Agreed or estimated returns for the transfer of own capital to third parties
  • Interest on accounts or deposits
  • Interest and other income from fixed-income securities (bonds)
  • Interest on loans granted
Returns derived from operations carried out on financial assets
  • Transmission, amortization, exchange or reimbursement of financial assets, such as:
    • Public Debt Securities (Treasury Bills, Government Bonds and Obligations, etc.)
    • Other financial assets
    • Preferred shares and subordinated debt
  • Temporary transfer of financial assets and assignment of credits
Life or disability insurance contracts and capitalization operations Income from life or disability insurance contracts and capitalization operations
  • Survival benefits
  • Retirement benefits
  • Disability benefits
  • Temporary or life annuities through capital imposition
Other unaffected assets of a movable nature (Goods or rights) Other income from movable capital
  • Intellectual property (if the recipient is a person other than the author)
  • Industrial property (*)
  • Technical assistance (*)
  • Leasing of movable property, businesses or mines, as well as those from subleasing received by the sub-lessor (*)
  • Assignment of the right to exploit the image (*)


(*) As long as the income does not derive from affected elements or are obtained within the scope of an economic activity. (Back)