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Practical Income Manual 2022.

Accounting and registration obligations of taxpayers who carry out economic activities

Note: At the end of this section, access is offered to a summary table of the accounting and registration obligations discussed below.

In general

Regulations: Articles 104.2 Law Personal Income Tax and 68 Regulation Personal Income Tax

Within the scope of Personal Income Tax the accounting and registration obligations of the owners of economic activities are structured according to the following detail:

A. Entrepreneurs who carry out commercial activities in normal direct estimation :

  • Accounting adjusted to the provisions of the Commercial Code and the General Accounting Plan.

    Precision: in accordance with the provisions of the Commercial Code and the General Accounting Plan, the latter approved by Royal Decree 1514/2007, of November 16 ( BOE of November 20) , the specific books that must be carried are the following: Inventory book and annual accounts, which will be opened with the initial balance sheet and in which the trial balances with sums and balances must be recorded, at least quarterly, as well as the year-end inventory and the annual accounts, and Book Diary, which must record, day by day, all operations related to the company's activity. Royal Decree 1515/2007, of November 16 ( BOE of November 21) approves, as a complementary standard to the General Accounting Plan, the General Accounting Plan for SMEs and the criteria specific accounting for microenterprises.

B. Entrepreneurs who carry out non-commercial activities in normal direct estimation and all entrepreneurs in simplified direct estimation :

  • Sales and income record book.

  • Book record of purchases and expenses.

  • Capital goods record book.

C. Professionals in direct estimation, in any of its modalities :

  • Income record book.

  • Expense record book.

  • Capital goods record book.

  • Record book of fund provisions and supplies.

D. Entrepreneurs and professionals in objective estimation.

  • Record book of investment assets (only taxpayers who deduct depreciation).

  • Sales and income record book (only the owners of activities whose net return is determined based on the volume of operations, that is, owners of agricultural, livestock, accessory forestry and transformation of natural products activities).

    In any case, the holders must keep, numbered in order of dates and grouped by quarters, the invoices issued in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation that regulates billing obligations, approved by Royal Decree 1619/2012, of November 30 ( BOE of December 1), and the invoices or other types of documentary evidence received, as well as the proof of the signs, indices or modules applied.

The entities under the income attribution regime that carry out economic activities must keep a single mandatory books corresponding to the activity carried out, without prejudice to the attribution of income that must be carried out in relation to their partners, heirs, commoners or participants.

Note: Except for taxpayers who carry out business activities of a commercial nature whose performance is determined in the normal modality of the direct estimation method, the rest of the personal income tax taxpayers who carry out economic activities are obliged to keep the record books that in each case determine the Personal Income Tax regulations. , even when they keep accounting in accordance with the provisions of the Commercial Code.

  1. Summary table: Accounting and Registration Obligations