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Practical manual for Income Tax 2022.

Castilla-La Mancha

Territorial scopeActivityNet performance index
All municipal districts Nuts: Almond 0.09
Non-citrus fruits: Apricot 0.13
Municipal terms of: Albatana, Alpera, Fuente-Álamo, Higueruela, Montealegre del Castillo, Pozo-Lorente and Tobarra Grapes for wine with DO 0.22
Grapes for wine without DO 0.18
Municipal terms of: Houses of Ves, Cenizate and Villatoya Nuts: Pistachio 0.18
Grapes for wine with DO 0.22
Grapes for wine without DO 0.18
Municipal terms of: Ibanez and Villamalea houses Non-citrus fruits: Plum 0.26
Nuts: Pistachio 0.18
Grapes for wine with DO 0.22
Grapes for wine without DO 0.18
Ciudad Real
Territorial scopeActivityNet performance index
Municipal terms of: Albaladejo, Alcubillas, Alhambra, Almedina, Carrizosa, Castellar de Santiago, Cózar, Puebla del Príncipe, Santa Cruz de los Cáñamos, Terrinches, Torre de Juan Abad, Torrenueva, Villamanrique and Villanueva de la Fuente Nuts: Almond 0.09
Municipal terms of: Fuenllana, Montiel, Villahermosa and Villanueva de los Infantes Cereals 0.13
Nuts: Almond 0.09
Territorial scopeActivityNet performance index
All municipal districts Nuts: Almond 0.05
Oilseeds: Sunflower 0.16
Territorial scopeActivityNet performance index
All municipal districts Aromatic plants 0.26
Municipal terms of: Albendiego, Alcoroches, Tajo Baths, Bujalaro, Fuentelsaz, Miedes de Atienza, Pedregal (El) and Tordellego Cereals: Barley 0.13
Municipal terms of: Baides, Huérmeces del Cerro, Riofrio del Llano and Tordesilos Cereals: Barley and wheat 0.13
Municipal terms of: Campisábalos, Castilnuevo, Embid, Horche, Lupiana, Mochales, Pálmaces de Jadraque, Tordelrábano, Torremocha de Jadraque, Torremocha del Campo, Tortuero, Ujados, Valdarachas, Valdelcubo, Valdepeñas de la Sierra, Viana de Jadraque and Yebes Cereals: Wheat 0.13
Municipal terms of: Casar (The), Fuentelahiguera of Albatages, Galapagos and Valdenuño Fernandez Cereals: Wheat 0.13
Legumes: Grain Vetch 0.09
Municipal terms of: Cifuentes, Masegoso de Tajuña and Sacecorbo Cereals: Barley and wheat 0.13
Legumes 0.05
Municipal terms of: Sotodosos Cereals: Barley 0.09
Cereals: Wheat 0.13
Territorial scopeActivityNet performance index
All municipal districts Oilseeds: Rape 0.16