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Practical manual for Income Tax 2022.


Province: Lleida
Territorial scopeActivityNet performance index
Municipal terms of: Abella de la Conca  Beef cattle 0.07
Breeding cattle 0.13
Cereals 0.09
Equine 0.16
Forages 0.13
Nuts: Almond 0.05
Legumes 0.05
Oilseeds 0.11
Sheep and goat meat 0.07
Olive products 0.05
Municipal terms of: Barony of Rialb (La), Tiurana and Àger Beekeeping 0.09
Cereals 0.13
Forages 0.26
Oilseeds 0.16
Municipal terms of: Agramunt, Anglesola, Belianes, Bellpuig, Castellserà, Ciutadilla, Fuliola (La), Guimerà, Maldà, Nalec, Omells de na Gaia (Els), Ossó de Sió, Preixana, Puigverd d'Agramunt, Sant Martí de Riucorb, Tornabous, Tàrrega , Vallbona de les Monges, Verdú and Vilagrassa Beekeeping 0.09
Cereals 0.09
Forages 0.26
Non-citrus fruits 0.07
Nuts: Almond 0.05
Legumes 0.09
Oilseeds 0.16
Olive products 0.09
Grapes for wine with DO 0.16
Municipal terms of: Albesa, Algerri, Artesa de Segre, Balaguer, Camarasa, Castelló de Farfanya, Ivars de Noguera, Menárguens, Montgai, Sentiu de Sió (La), Térmens, Torrelameu, Vallfogona de Balaguer Non-citrus fruits 0.07
Municipal terms of: Aitona, Alamús (Els), Albatàrrec, Alcanó, Alcarràs, Alcoletge, Alfarràs, Alfés, Alguaire, Almacelles, Almatret, Almenar, Alpicat, Artesa de Lleida, Aspa, Benavent de Segrià, Corbins, Gimenells i el Pla de la Font, Farm d''Escarp (La), Llardecans, Lleida, Maials, Massalcoreig, Montoliu de Lleida, Portella (La), Puigverd de Lleida, Rosselló, Sarroca de Lleida, Seròs, Soses, Sudanell, Sunyer, Torre-serona, Torrebesses, Torrefarrera , Torres de Segre, Vilanova de Segrià and Vilanova de la Barca Beekeeping 0.09
Cereals 0.13
Forages 0.26
Non-citrus fruits 0.07
Nuts: Almond 0.05
Legumes 0.13
Oilseeds 0.16
Municipal terms of: Alàs i Cerc, Arsèguel, Cava, Josa i Tuixén, Lles de Cerdanya and Vansa i Fórnols (La) Forages 0.26
Municipal terms of: Albagés (L''), Albi (L''), Bellaguarda, Bovera, Cervià de les Garrigues, Cogul (El), Espluga Calba (L''), Floresta (La), Fulleda, Granadella (La), Granyena de les Garrigues, Juncosa, Omellons (Els), Pobla de Cérvoles (La), Soleràs (El), Tarrés, Torms (Els), Vilosell (El) and Vinaixa Beekeeping 0.09
Cereals 0.13
Forages 0.26
Non-citrus fruits 0.13
Nuts: Almond 0.05
Legumes 0.13
Oilseeds 0.16
Grapes for wine with DO 0.22
Municipal terms of: Albesa Beekeeping 0.09
Cereals 0.13
Forages 0.26
Non-citrus fruits: Apple and pear 0.07
Nuts: Almond 0.05
Legumes 0.05
Oilseeds 0.16
Beekeeping 0.09
Cereals 0.13
Forages 0.26
Non-citrus fruits: Apple and pear 0.07
Legumes 0.05
Oilseeds 0.16
Grapes for wine with DO 0.22
Municipal terms of: Alins, Alt Àneu, Espot, Esterri d'Àneu, Esterri de Cardós, Farrera, Guingueta d''Àneu (La), Lladorre, Llavorsí, Rialp, Soriguera, Sort, Tírvia and Vall de Cardós Beef cattle 0.07
Breeding cattle 0.13
Equine 0.16
Forages 0.13
Sheep and goat meat 0.07
Dairy sheep and goats 0.13
Municipal terms of: Hello from Balaguer Beekeeping 0.09
Cereals 0.13
Forages 0.26
Oilseeds 0.16
Grapes for wine with DO 0.16
Municipal terms of: Naut Aran Beekeeping 0.09
Beef cattle 0.07
Breeding cattle 0.13
Equine 0.16
Forages 0.13
Sheep and goat meat 0.07
Municipal terms of: Arbeca, Borges Blanques (Les), Castelldans, Juneda and Puiggròs Beekeeping 0.09
Cereals 0.13
Forages 0.26
Non-citrus fruits 0.13
Nuts: Almond 0.05
Legumes 0.13
Oilseeds 0.16
Grapes for wine with DO 0.22
Municipal terms of: Bar Bridge (The) Cereals 0.13
Forages 0.26
Municipal terms of: Arres, Bausen, Bossòst, Bòrdes (Es), Les, Vielha e Mijaran and Vilamòs Beef cattle 0.07
Breeding cattle 0.13
Equine 0.16
Forages 0.13
Sheep and goat meat 0.07
Municipal terms of: Segre trough Beekeeping 0.09
Cereals 0.13
Forages 0.26
Non-citrus fruits: Apple and pear 0.07
Legumes 0.05
Oilseeds 0.16
Olive products 0.05
Grapes for wine with DO 0.16
Municipal terms of: Camarasa and Sentiu de Sió (La) Beekeeping 0.09
Cereals 0.13
Forages 0.26
Non-citrus fruits: Apple and pear 0.07
Legumes 0.05
Oilseeds 0.16
Municipal terms of: Hazelnuts and Santa Linya (Les) and Cabanabona Beekeeping 0.09
Cereals 0.13
Forages 0.26
Legumes 0.09
Oilseeds 0.16
Municipal terms of: Lower Pallars Beef cattle 0.07
Breeding cattle 0.13
Dairy cattle 0.1
Equine 0.16
Forages 0.13
Forages: Alfalfa 0.13
Sheep and goat meat 0.07
Dairy sheep and goats 0.13
Municipal terms of: Balaguer Beekeeping 0.09
Cereals 0.13
Forages 0.26
Non-citrus fruits: Apple and pear 0.07
Nuts: Almond 0.05
Legumes 0.05
Oilseeds 0.16
Olive products 0.05
Municipal terms of: Barbens, Bell-lloc d'Urgell, Bellvís, Castellnou de Seana, Fondarella, Golmés, Ivars d'Urgell, Linyola, Miralcamp, Mollerussa, Palau d'Anglesola (El), Poal (El), Sidamon, Torregrossa, Vila- sana and Vilanova de Bellpuig Beekeeping 0.09
Cereals 0.13
Forages 0.26
Non-citrus fruits 0.07
Nuts: Almond 0.05
Nuts: Nut 0.13
Legumes 0.13
Oilseeds 0.16
Municipal terms of: Boí Valley (The) Beef cattle 0.07
Breeding cattle 0.13
Equine 0.16
Forages 0.19
Sheep and goat meat 0.07
Dairy sheep and goats 0.13
Municipal terms of: Bassella and Oliana Cereals 0.09
Forages 0.26
Municipal terms of: Bellver de Cerdanya, Lladurs, Llobera, Montellà i Martinet, Olius, Prats i Sansor, Prullans and Riu de Cerdanya Cereals 0.13
Forages 0.19
Municipal terms of: Biosca, Cervera, Estaràs, Granyanella, Granyena de Segarra, Guissona, Ivorra, Massoteres, Montoliu de Segarra, Montornès de Segarra, Oluges (Les), Plans de Sió (Els), Ribera d'Ondara, Sanaüja, Sant Guim de Freixenet, Sant Guim de la Plana, Sant Ramon, Talavera, Tarroja de Segarra, Torrefeta i Florejacs and Torà Beekeeping 0.09
Cereals 0.09
Nuts: Almond 0.05
Legumes 0.09
Oilseeds 0.16
Olive products 0.09
Grapes for wine with DO 0.16
Municipal terms of: Cabó, Estamariu, Fígols i Alinyà, Organyà, Ribera d'Urgellet, Seu d'Urgell (La), Valls d'Aguilar (Les) and Valls de Valira (Les) Forages 0.26
Municipal terms of: Canejan Equine 0.16
Forages 0.13
Sheep and goat meat 0.07
Municipal terms of: Castellar de la Ribera Cereals 0.05
Forages 0.19
Municipal terms of: Castelló de Farfanya Beekeeping 0.09
Cereals 0.13
Forages 0.26
Non-citrus fruits: Apple and pear 0.07
Legumes 0.05
Oilseeds 0.16
Grapes for wine with DO 0.06
Municipal terms of: Clariana of Cardener, Naves and Odèn Cereals 0.09
Forages 0.19
Municipal terms of: Coll de Nargó, Montferrer i Castellbò and Peramola Cereals 0.13
Forages 0.26
Municipal terms of: Cubells and Ponts Beekeeping 0.09
Cereals 0.13
Forages 0.26
Legumes 0.05
Oilseeds 0.16
Municipal terms of: Foradada Beekeeping 0.09
Cereals 0.13
Forages 0.26
Legumes 0.09
Oilseeds 0.16
Grapes for wine with DO 0.11
Municipal terms of: Drawer of the Conca Cereals 0.09
Equine 0.16
Forages 0.13
Nuts: Almond 0.05
Legumes 0.05
Oilseeds 0.11
Sheep and goat meat 0.07
Olive products 0.05
Grapes for wine with DO 0.11
Municipal terms of: Coma i la Pedra (La), Guixers, Gósol and Sant Llorenç de Morunys Forages 0.19
Municipal terms of: Ivars de Noguera and Menàrguens Beekeeping 0.09
Cereals 0.13
Forages 0.26
Non-citrus fruits: Apple and pear 0.07
Nuts: Almond 0.05
Oilseeds 0.16
Olive products 0.05
Municipal terms of: Isona and Conca Dellà Beef cattle 0.07
Breeding cattle 0.13
Cereals 0.09
Equine 0.16
Forages 0.13
Nuts: Almond 0.05
Legumes 0.05
Oilseeds 0.11
Sheep and goat meat 0.07
Dairy sheep and goats 0.13
Olive products 0.05
Grapes for wine with DO 0.11
Municipal terms of: Llimiana Cereals 0.09
Forages 0.13
Nuts: Almond 0.05
Legumes 0.05
Oilseeds 0.11
Sheep and goat meat 0.07
Olive products 0.05
Grapes for wine with DO 0.11
Municipal terms of: Molsosa (The) Cereals 0.13
Forages 0.19
Legumes 0.09
Oilseeds 0.11
Municipal terms of: Montgai Beekeeping 0.09
Cereals 0.13
Forages 0.26
Non-citrus fruits: Apple and pear 0.07
Legumes 0.13
Oilseeds 0.16
Municipal terms of: Oliola Beekeeping 0.09
Cereals 0.13
Forages 0.26
Nuts: Almond 0.05
Legumes 0.09
Oilseeds 0.16
Municipal terms of: Balaguer Bears Beekeeping 0.09
Cereals 0.13
Forages 0.26
Legumes 0.13
Oilseeds 0.16
Olive products 0.05
Municipal terms of: Conca de Dalt and Tremp Beef cattle 0.07
Breeding cattle 0.13
Cereals 0.09
Equine 0.16
Forages 0.13
Nuts: Almond 0.05
Legumes 0.05
Oilseeds 0.11
Sheep and goat meat 0.07
Olive products 0.05
Grapes for wine with DO 0.11
Municipal terms of: Pinell from Solsonès Cereals 0.09
Forages 0.19
Oilseeds 0.06
Municipal terms of: Pinos and Riner Cereals 0.13
Forages 0.19
Oilseeds 0.16
Municipal terms of: Town of Segur (La) Beef cattle 0.07
Breeding cattle 0.13
Cereals 0.09
Forages 0.13
Legumes 0.05
Oilseeds 0.11
Sheep and goat meat 0.07
Olive products 0.05
Municipal terms of: Suert Bridge (El) and Vilaller Beef cattle 0.07
Breeding cattle 0.13
Equine 0.16
Forages 0.13
Sheep and goat meat 0.07
Dairy sheep and goats 0.13
Municipal terms of: Salàs de Pallars Beef cattle 0.07
Breeding cattle 0.13
Cereals 0.09
Equine 0.16
Forages 0.13
Legumes 0.05
Oilseeds 0.11
Sheep and goat meat 0.07
Olive products 0.05
Grapes for wine with DO 0.11
Municipal terms of: Saint Stephen of the Sarga Beef cattle 0.07
Breeding cattle 0.13
Cereals 0.09
Equine 0.16
Forages 0.13
Legumes 0.05
Oilseeds 0.11
Sheep and goat meat 0.07
Olive products 0.05
Municipal terms of: Sarroca de Bellera and Torre de Cabdella (La) Beef cattle 0.07
Breeding cattle 0.13
Equine 0.16
Legumes 0.05
Sheep and goat meat 0.07
Municipal terms of: Entered Beef cattle 0.07
Breeding cattle 0.13
Equine 0.16
Legumes 0.05
Sheep and goat meat 0.07
Dairy sheep and goats 0.13
Municipal terms of: Solsona Cereals 0.13
Municipal terms of: Talarn Beef cattle 0.07
Breeding cattle 0.13
Cereals 0.09
Forages 0.13
Nuts: Almond 0.05
Legumes 0.05
Oilseeds 0.11
Sheep and goat meat 0.07
Dairy sheep and goats 0.13
Olive products 0.05
Grapes for wine with DO 0.11
Municipal terms of: Térmens and Vallfogona de Balaguer Beekeeping 0.09
Cereals 0.13
Forages 0.26
Non-citrus fruits: Apple and pear 0.07
Oilseeds 0.16
Municipal terms of: Torrelameu Non-citrus fruits: Apple and pear 0.07
Municipal terms of: Vilanova de l'Aguda Beekeeping 0.09
Cereals 0.13
Forages 0.26
Legumes 0.13
Oilseeds 0.16
Municipal terms of: Vilanova de Meià Beekeeping 0.09
Cereals 0.13
Forages 0.26
Oilseeds 0.16
Grapes for wine with DO 0.06
Municipal terms of: Castle of Mur Beef cattle 0.07
Cereals 0.09
Forages 0.13
Nuts: Almond 0.05
Legumes 0.05
Oilseeds 0.11
Sheep and goat meat 0.07
Olive products 0.05