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Practical manual for Income Tax 2022.


Province: Alicante
Territorial scopeActivityNet performance index
All municipal areas (except those detailed with a lower index) Non-citrus fruits: Apricot and plum 0.13
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry 0.19
Municipal terms of: August, The Snows Hollow (El)/The Snows Hollow, The Friars Hollow, Novelda and Romana (La) Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine 0.13
Table grapes 0.22
Municipal terms of: Agres and Ibi Non-citrus fruits: Cherry and plum 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine 0.07
Nuts: Almond 0.05
Municipal terms of: Alcocer de Planes Non-citrus fruits: Cherry and plum 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Apple and pear 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine 0.07
Nuts: Almond 0.05
Olive products 0.05
Grapes for wine with DO 0.11
Grapes for wine without DO 0.09
Municipal terms of: Alcoleja and Alqueria d'Asnar (L') Non-citrus fruits: Cherry 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Apple and pear 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine 0.07
Nuts: Almond 0.05
Olive products 0.05
Municipal terms of: Alcoy/Alcoi Cereals: Oats, barley, wheat and triticale 0.09
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry and plum 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Apple 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine 0.07
Nuts: Almond 0.05
Municipal terms of: Alfafara Non-citrus fruits: Apricot 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry and plum 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine 0.07
Nuts: Almond 0.05
Municipal terms of: Alphas of Pi (L'') Non-citrus fruits: Medlar 0.26
Municipal terms of: Algueña, Elda, Gata de Gorgos and Senija Table grapes 0.22
Municipal terms of: Alicante/Alacant Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine 0.19
Municipal terms of: Almudaina Table olive 0.05
Non-citrus fruits: Apricot 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry and plum 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Apple 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine 0.07
Nuts: Almond 0.05
Olive products 0.05
Municipal terms of: Aspe Non-citrus fruits: Plum 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine 0.13
Table grapes 0.22
Municipal terms of: Balls and Benilloba Non-citrus fruits: Apricot 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry and plum 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Apple and pear 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine 0.07
Nuts: Almond 0.05
Olive products 0.05
Municipal terms of: Banyeres de Mariola, Campo de Mirra/Camp de Mirra (El) and Castalla Non-citrus fruits: Apricot 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry 0.13
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine 0.07
Nuts: Almond 0.09
Municipal terms of: Benasau Table olive 0.05
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry and plum 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Pear 0.07
Nuts: Almond 0.05
Olive products 0.05
Municipal terms of: Beneixama and Onil Non-citrus fruits: Apricot 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry 0.13
Nuts: Almond 0.09
Municipal terms of: Beniarres Table olive 0.05
Non-citrus fruits: Apricot 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Khaki 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry and plum 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Apple and pear 0.07
Nuts: Almond 0.05
Olive products 0.05
Grapes for wine with DO 0.06
Grapes for wine without DO 0.05
Municipal terms of: Benifallim Table olive 0.05
Non-citrus fruits: Apricot and cherry 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Apple and pear 0.07
Nuts: Almond 0.05
Olive products 0.05
Municipal terms of: Benillup Non-citrus fruits: Apricot 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry and plum 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine 0.07
Nuts: Almond 0.05
Olive products 0.05
Grapes for wine with DO 0.06
Grapes for wine without DO 0.05
Municipal terms of: Benimarfull, Gorga, Muro de Alcoy and Quatretondeta Non-citrus fruits: Apricot 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry and plum 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Apple and pear 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine 0.07
Nuts: Almond 0.05
Olive products 0.05
Grapes for wine with DO 0.06
Grapes for wine without DO 0.05
Municipal terms of: Benimassot and Millena Non-citrus fruits: Cherry and plum 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Apple and pear 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine 0.07
Nuts: Almond 0.05
Olive products 0.05
Grapes for wine with DO 0.06
Grapes for wine without DO 0.05
Municipal terms of: Biar Non-citrus fruits: Apricot 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Apple 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Pear 0.13
Nuts: Almond 0.09
Municipal terms of: Cañada Non-citrus fruits: Cherry 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Apple 0.19
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine 0.07
Nuts: Almond 0.09
Municipal terms of: Cocentaina Table olive 0.05
Non-citrus fruits: Apricot 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Khaki 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry and plum 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Apple and pear 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine 0.07
Nuts: Almond and walnut 0.05
Olive products 0.05
Grapes for wine with DO 0.06
Grapes for wine without DO 0.05
Municipal terms of: Confrides Non-citrus fruits: Cherry 0.07
Nuts: Almond 0.05
Municipal terms of: Facheca Non-citrus fruits: Cherry 0.07
Nuts: Almond 0.05
Olive products 0.05
Municipal terms of: Famorca Nuts: Almond 0.05
Olive products 0.05
Municipal terms of: Gaianes Non-citrus fruits: Apricot 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry and plum 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Apple and pear 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine 0.07
Nuts: Almond 0.05
Olive products 0.05
Grapes for wine with DO 0.11
Grapes for wine without DO 0.09
Municipal terms of: Jijona/Xixona Non-citrus fruits: Cherry and plum 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Apple 0.07
Municipal terms of: Lorcha/Orxa (L'') Non-citrus fruits: Cherry and plum 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Apple 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine 0.07
Nuts: Almond 0.05
Olive products 0.05
Municipal terms of: Monforte del Cid Non-citrus fruits: Cherry 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine 0.13
Non-citrus fruits: Pear 0.07
Table grapes 0.22
Municipal terms of: Monóvar/Monòver Non-citrus fruits: Apricot 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine 0.07
Nuts: Almond 0.05
Table grapes 0.22
Municipal terms of: Penaguila Table olive 0.05
Non-citrus fruits: Apricot 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry and plum 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Apple and pear 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine 0.07
Nuts: Almond and hazelnut 0.05
Olive products 0.05
Grapes for wine with DO 0.06
Grapes for wine without DO 0.05
Municipal terms of: Petrer Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine 0.13
Nuts: Almond 0.05
Table grapes 0.22
Municipal terms of: Pinós (The)/Pine tree Non-citrus fruits: Apricot 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Pear 0.07
Nuts: Almond 0.05
Table grapes 0.22
Municipal terms of: Plans Table olive 0.05
Non-citrus fruits: Apricot 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry and plum 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Apple and pear 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine 0.07
Nuts: Almond 0.05
Olive products 0.05
Grapes for wine with DO 0.06
Grapes for wine without DO 0.05
Municipal terms of: Salinas Non-citrus fruits: Apricot 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry 0.13
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Pear 0.07
Nuts: Almond 0.09
Municipal terms of: Sax Non-citrus fruits: Apricot 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry 0.13
Non-citrus fruits: Plum 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine 0.07
Nuts: Almond 0.09
Municipal terms of: Tárbena Non-citrus fruits: Cherry 0.07
Municipal terms of: Tollos Non-citrus fruits: Cherry 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine 0.07
Nuts: Almond 0.05
Olive products 0.05
Municipal terms of: The Alcalà Valley Non-citrus fruits: Cherry 0.07
Olive products 0.05
Municipal terms of: Vall d'Ebo (The) Olive products 0.05
Municipal terms of: Gallinera Valley Non-citrus fruits: Apricot 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry and plum 0.07
Municipal terms of: Villena Non-citrus fruits: Apricot 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Khaki 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry 0.13
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine 0.07
Nuts: Almond 0.09
Table grapes 0.22
Municipal terms of: Pilar de la Horadada Horticultural products: Pumpkin 0.18
Horticultural products: Pepper 0.13
Horticultural products: Watermelon 0.18