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Practical Income Manual 2022.

Index 6. Crops on irrigated lands that use, for this purpose, electrical energy

Regulations: Seventh Additional Provision and Instruction 2.3.f) of Annex I Order HFP /1172/2022, of November 29 ( BOE of December 1)

An index of 0.75 will be applied when crops are grown, in whole or in part, on land irrigated by electricity, provided that the taxpayer, or the community of irrigators in the that participates, are registered in the territorial registry corresponding to the Special Tax management office referred to in article 102.2 of Law 38/1992, of December 28, on Special Taxes.

This index of 0.75 will be applied to the yield from crops grown on land irrigated by electricity.

When it is not possible to delimit said yield, this index will be applied to the result of multiplying the yield from all crops by the percentage of the surface area of crops on irrigated land that use, for this purpose, electrical energy on the surface. total of the agricultural holding.

This index may be applied to any of the following activities that use electrical energy to irrigate their crops, as long as the yield comes from agricultural products:

  • Agricultural activity likely to be included in the special regime for agriculture, livestock and fishing of the Value Added Tax.

  • The transferor's share of the benefits accruing to the transferor from agricultural activities carried out under sharecropping.

  • Processes of transformation, elaboration or manufacturing of natural, plant or animal products, which require registration in an heading corresponding to industrial activities of the Tax Rates on Economic Activities and are carried out by the owners of the farms from which said products are directly obtained. natural products.

Note: The seventh Additional Provision of Order HFP //1172/2022, of November 29 ( BOE of December 1), determines that the index correction for crops on irrigated lands that use, for this purpose, electrical energy that is regulated therein for 2023 also applies to the 2022 tax period, replacing that provided for in Order HFP / 1335/2021, of December 1 ( BOE of December 2). 

In this way for 2022 the corrective index is reduced for crops on land of irrigation from 0.80 to 0.75.