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Practical Income Manual 2022.

Autonomous Community of Andalusia

Regulations: Art. 23 Law 5/2021, of October 20, on Assigned Taxes of the Autonomous Community of Andalusia

Scale applicable in fiscal year 2022 by taxpayers residing in said fiscal year in this Autonomous Community
Liquidable base up to (euros)Full fee (euros)Rest of Liquidable Base up to (euros)Applicable rate (Percentage)
0.00 0.00 13,000.00 9.50%
13,000.00 1,235.00 8,100.00 12.00%
21,100.00 2,207.00 14,100.00 15.00%
35,200.00 4,322.00 24,800.00 18.50%
60,000.00 8,910.00 From there on 22.50%

Note: Please note that article 23 of Law 5/2021, of October 20, on Assigned Taxes of the Autonomous Community of Andalusia, has been modified, with effect from January 1, 2022, by the first article. One of the Decree-Law 7/2022, of September 20 ( BOJA 09-21-2022) to adapt the regional scale to the crisis derived from high inflation.