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Practical manual for Income Tax 2022.

Autonomous Community of Aragon

Regulations: Art. 110-1 Revised Text of the provisions issued by the Autonomous Community of Aragon on transferred taxes, approved by Legislative Decree 1/2005, of September 26

Taxable base up to (euros)Full amount (euros)Remaining taxable base up to (euros)Applicable rate (%)
Scale applicable in the year 2022 for taxpayers resident in said year in this Autonomous Community
0.00 0.00 12,450.00 9.50
12,450.00 1,182.75 7,750.00 12.00
20,200.00 2,112.75 15,000.00 15.00
35,200.00 4,362.75 14,800.00 18.50
50,000.00 7.100,75 10,000.00 20.50
60,000.00 9.150,75 20,000.00 23.00
80,000.00 13,750.75 10,000.00 24.00
90,000.00 16.150,75 40,000.00 25.00
130,000.00 26.150,75 From there on 25.50

Note: Please note that article 64 of Law 8/2022, of December 29, on the Budget of the Autonomous Community of Aragon for the year 2023 (BOA 12-30-2022), has modified, with effect from January 1, 2022, the autonomous scale provided for in article 110-1 of the Revised Text.