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Practical manual for Income Tax 2022.

To offset the increase in the cost of loans or mortgage credits with variable interest rates (temporary deduction)

Regulations: Art. 3 quater Revised Text of the Legal Provisions of the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands on Taxes Transferred by the State, approved by Legislative Decree 1/2014, of June 6

Note: This deduction is not applicable in the case of taxpayers who died before December 31, 202 2 .

Amount and limit of the deduction

  • The amount of the deduction is the difference between the interest paid by taxpayers in 2022 and those paid in 2021, in contracts that meet the requirements indicated in the following section.

  • Maximum deduction limit: 250 euros per taxpayer.

Requirements for applying the deduction

  • These must be interests paid by taxpayers on mortgage secured loans or credit contracts with variable interest rate signed to finance the acquisition of housing.

  • The property for whose acquisition the mortgage has been established will be the habitual residence of the taxpayer.

Other conditions for the application of the deduction

  • The increase in cost (difference between the interest paid by taxpayers in 2022 compared to that paid in 2021) must be justified by a bank certificate, which must be kept available to the tax authorities.

  • That the sum of the general tax base and the savings tax base of the taxpayer boxes [0435] and [0460] of the declaration , does not exceed the following amounts:

    • 33,000 euros in individual taxation.

    • 52,800 euros in joint taxation.

  •  To apply this deduction, documentary justification is required, through invoices or equivalent corresponding documents, which must be kept available to the tax administration.

Time frame for the application of the deduction

This deduction will only apply in fiscal years 2022 and 2023.


This deduction is incompatible with the state deduction "For investment in habitual residence" referred to in the eighteenth transitional provision of the Personal Income Tax Law .