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Practical Income Manual 2023.

20. Financial aid to people with hemophilia or other congenital coagulopathies who have developed hepatitis C

Regulations: Art. 7.s) Law Personal Income Tax

Financial aid is exempt for people with hemophilia or other congenital coagulopathies who have developed hepatitis C, as a result of having received treatment with coagulation factor concentrates within the public health system, regulated in article 2 of Law 14. /2002, of June 5 ( BOE of June 6).

This aid consists of the one-time receipt of 18,030.36 euros, and is compatible with any public pension that the beneficiary has the right to receive.

In accordance with article 1 of Law 14/2002, of June 5, the following are considered beneficiaries of these social aid:

  1. People with hemophilia or other congenital coagulopathies who, having developed hepatitis C as a consequence of having received treatment with coagulation factor concentrates within the public health system, are included in the definitive census provided for in article 80 of Law 55 /1999, December 29, Fiscal, administrative and social order measures.

  2. In the event that the people included in the census have died, they can receive social assistance:

    • minor children and disabled adults, in equal parts,

    • In their absence, the spouse not legally separated or, where applicable, the person who had been living with the deceased permanently with an emotional relationship analogous to that of the spouse, for at least two years prior to the time of death,

    • in the absence of the above, the parents of the deceased.

The procedure for the processing and granting of these financial aid is regulated in Royal Decree 377/2003, of March 28 ( BOE of March 29).