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Practical Income Manual 2023.

Minimum contribution period. Maximum annual contribution and total amount of accumulated premiums

Minimum contribution period

  • In general:

    The first premium paid must be older than five years at the time of the creation of the annuity.

  • Transitory rules: Seniority requirement for the purposes of processing Individual Systematic Savings Plans of insurance contracts formalized before January 1, 2015.

    Regulations: Transitional provision thirty-first Law IRPF

    The five-year requirement will also apply to Individual Systematic Savings Plans formalized prior to January 1, 2015 (and not the more than ten years that was required until December 31, 2014).

    However, the transformation of an Individual Systematic Savings Plan formalized before January 1, 2015, or of an insurance contract regulated in the fourteenth transitional provision of this Law, by modifying its expiration, with the exclusive The purpose of anticipating the creation of the annuity to a date that meets the seniority requirement of five years from the payment of the first premium required by the aforementioned provisions, will not have tax effects for the policyholder.

Maximum annual contribution and total amount of accumulated premiums

  • The maximum annual limit paid as premiums for this type of contract will be 8,000 euros , and will be independent of the contribution limits of insurance systems. social provision.

  • Likewise, the total amount of the accumulated premiums in these contracts may not exceed the total amount of 240,000 euros per taxpayer .