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Practical Income Manual 2023.

2. Purchase, Inventory Variation and Other Operating Consumption

The following concepts that appear differentiated in the IRPF declaration are included within this category.

a. Purchase of stocks (merchandise and raw materials)

This category includes current acquisitions of goods made from third parties, provided they meet the following two requirements:

  1. That are carried out to obtain income. 

  2. That these are assets that are part of current assets.

Additional expenses must be included in the acquisition price, such as transportation, insurance, loading and unloading and others directly attributable to the acquisition, as well as the taxes that fall on them except deductible input VAT.

Therefore, the non-deductible input VAT will form part of the acquisition price. This rule is equally applicable, where applicable, to IGIC and any other indirect tax borne in the acquisition of assets or services, which is not recoverable directly from the Public Treasury.

Said price is the amount invoiced by the seller (after any discount, price reduction or similar, as well as interest incorporated into the face of the debits), which will include additional expenses that occur until the goods are located for its sale (transport, tariffs, insurance...).

b. Inventory variation (only if there is a decrease in inventory at the end of the year)

To determine the consumption of inventories during the year, it is necessary that, in addition to taking into account the purchases made, the inventories not consumed during the year must be determined, that is, the variation in inventories. In this way, when the initial inventories are greater than the final inventories, that is, when there is a decrease in the latter, said variation will be reflected as an expense for the year.

Unlike the above, when inventories at the beginning of the year are lower than at the end of the year, that is, when there is an increase in inventories, they will be reflected as income.

With regard to the valuation criteria for stocks , it must be emphasized that the value of the final ones, which must coincide with the value of the initial ones of the following year, can be determined by their price of acquisition or production cost, with weighted average cost and FIFO being accepted as valuation criteria for homogeneous groups of inventories.

See within the "Full computable income" the section on “ Variation in inventories ” as well as the registration and valuation standard 10 of the General Accounting Plan, approved by Royal Decree 1514/2007, of November 16 ( BOE of November 20), dedicated to the valuation of inventories. Also see the Resolution of April 14, 2015, of the Institute of Accounting and Audit of Accounts, which establishes criteria for determining the cost of production.

c. Other operating consumption

This will include the consumption of other supplies (other than goods and raw materials) intended for the production process or used in the provision of services (incorporable elements and assemblies, fuel, spare parts, various materials, containers, packaging, office supplies, etc.).

Tax treatment of the partial refund for diesel for professional use and for diesel used in agriculture, livestock and fishing

Given that the rules provided for taxpayers of IS must be applied to taxpayers of Personal Income Tax , the rule must be taken into account. of registration and valuation 10 (Inventories), which establishes in its section 1 that indirect taxes levied on inventories will only be included in the acquisition price or production cost when they are not recoverable directly from the Public Treasury.

The Hydrocarbon Tax is an indirect tax recoverable directly from the Public Treasury, so the part that is returned is not part of the purchase price of the fuel, that is, it would not be a fiscally deductible expense or income from the activity.

If exceptionally it were not directly recoverable, the payment of the Tax would be a deductible expense and the return of part of it would constitute income from the activity.

Incorporable elements and assemblies are understood to be those normally manufactured outside the company and acquired by it to incorporate them into its production without subjecting them to transformation.

In the case of fuels, only the consumption of energy materials that can be stored will be included.

Spare parts are parts intended to be assembled in facilities, equipment or machines to replace similar ones.

Miscellaneous materials are understood to mean other consumer materials that must not be incorporated into the manufactured product.

The consumption for the year will be the result of adding the acquisitions made during the year to the initial inventories of such goods, and of reducing said sum in the value of the final inventories of the period.

Note: Unlike inventories of merchandise and raw materials, in the case of “Other operating consumption” only what was consumed during the year will be reflected.