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Practical Income Manual 2023.

8. Other income

Within this rubric, among others, the following concepts must be computed:

a) Work performed for the company , valued according to the production cost of the fixed assets produced by the company itself.

b) Excesses and applications of provisions and impairment losses .

c) Other management income .

Such as, for example, compensation for mediation services performed accidentally, or for the eventual provision of certain services (transport, repairs, advice, reports...), or income for services to personnel.

d) Compensation received from insurance entities for incidents that have affected the exploitation's products (stock of merchandise, raw materials, containers, packaging, etc.), provided that the destruction thereof.

Likewise, it should be taken into account that:

  • If what occurs is a repairable damage , the compensation received from the insurance company will be income from the activity that offsets the expense of the repair.

  • If the compensation affects elements of the fixed assets affected , their amount will not be computed as income, but must form part of the disposal value of the assets. themselves for the purposes of determining the resulting capital gain or loss.