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Practical Income Manual 2023.

Phase 5: Determination of the reduced net return on the activity

Regulations: Articles 32.1 Law Personal Income Tax and 25 Regulation Personal Income Tax

The reduced net income from the activity is the result of reducing the amount of the net income from the activity by the amount equivalent to 30 percent of the concept "other business perceptions" whose generation period is greater than two years, as well as those that are classified by regulation as obtained in a notoriously irregular manner over time, when these are attributed in a single tax period.

For these purposes, only the following are considered obtained in a notoriously irregular manner over time, when they are attributed in a single tax period:

  • Capital subsidies for the acquisition of non-depreciable fixed assets.

  • Compensation and aid for cessation of economic activities.

  • Compensation received in replacement of economic rights of indefinite duration.

Maximum amount of performance to which the reduction applies:

The amount of net income referred to in this section to which the aforementioned reduction will be applied may not exceed the amount of 300,000 euros per year .

In the event that several irregular returns of the same nature are obtained, and their amount exceeds the limit of 300,000 euros of the maximum amount on which to apply the 30% reduction, the maximum reduction will be distributed proportionally among all the returns of that nature.