Municipal terms of: Spanish: |
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry. |
0.13 |
Nuts: Almond. |
0.13 |
Municipal terms of: The following are the names of the two groups: Aguilon, Agon, Ainzon, Alberite de San Juan, Albeta, Alcala de Moncayo, Alfamen, Almonacid de la Sierra, Almunia de Doña Godina (The), Ambel, Arandiga, Anon de Moncayo, Bisimbre, Borja, Bulbuente, Bureta, Buste (The), Calatorao, Calcena, Carignan, Chodes, Cosuenda, Fayos (The), Frescano, Gallur, Grisel, Litago, Lituenigo, Lucena de Jalon, Lumpiaque, Magallon, Malejan, Mallen, Malon, Mesones de Isuela, Mezalocha, Morata de Jalon, Niguella, Novallas, Novillas, Plasencia de Jalon, Pozuelo de Aragon, Purujosa, Ricla, Wheel of Jalon, Salillas of Jalon, San Martin of the Virgin of Moncayo, Santa Cruz de Grio, Santa Cruz de The villages of Moncayo, Tabuenca, Talamantes, Tarazona, Tierga, Tobed, Torrellas, Trasmoz, Trasobares, Urrea de Jalon, Vera de Moncayo, Vierlas and Epila. |
Nuts: Almond. |
0.13 |
Municipal terms of: Aguarón, Encinacorba, Fuendejalón, Longares, Paniza, Tosos and Villanueva de Huerva. |
Nuts: Almond. |
0.13 |
Grapes for wine with DO |
0.16 |
Municipal terms of: Aladren and Vistabella. |
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry. |
0.13 |
Nuts: Almond. |
0.13 |
Grapes for wine with DO |
0.06 |
Municipal terms of: Alagón, Alcalá de Ebro, Alfajarín, Almochuel, Almonacid de la Cuba, Azuara, Bardallur, Belchite, Boquiñeni, Botorrita, Burgo de Ebro (El), Bárboles, Cabañas de Ebro, Cadrete, Codo, Cuarte de Huerva, Farlete, Figueruelas, Fuendetodos, Fuentes de Ebro, Gelsa, Grisén, Jaulín, Joyosa (La), Lagata, Leciñena, Letux, Luceni, Lécera, María de Huerva, Mediana de Aragón, Monegrillo, Moneva, Moyuela, Mozota, Muela (La), Nuez de Ebro, Osera de Ebro, Pastriz, Pedrola, Perdiguera, Pina de Ebro, Pinseque, Pleitas, Plenas, Puebla de Albortón, Puebla de Alfindén (La), Quinto, Remolinos, Samper del Salz, San Mateo de The municipality covers an area of 1,500 m2 and has a population of 1,500 inhabitants. |
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry. |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits: Plum. |
0.19 |
Nuts: Almond. |
0.18 |
Grapes for wine without DO |
0.05 |
Municipal terms of: Alarba. |
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry. |
0.19 |
Non-citrus fruits: Plum. |
0.26 |
Non-citrus fruits: Apple and pear. |
0.26 |
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine. |
0.26 |
Municipal terms of: The villages of La Paz and La Paz are divided into two groups: the La Paz and La Paz, and the La Paz River. |
Nuts: Almond. |
0.18 |
Grapes for wine without DO |
0.13 |
Municipal terms of: (The) The villages in the area are: |
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry. |
0.26 |
Non-citrus fruits: Plum. |
0.26 |
Municipal terms of: At the beggining. |
Nuts: Almond. |
0.13 |
Grapes for wine with DO |
0.11 |
Municipal terms of: Ateca. |
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry. |
0.19 |
Non-citrus fruits: Plum. |
0.26 |
Municipal terms of: Calatayud and Terrer. |
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry. |
0.26 |
Non-citrus fruits: Plum. |
0.26 |
Non-citrus fruits: Apple. |
0.26 |
Non-citrus fruits: Peach. |
0.19 |
Non-citrus fruits: Pear. |
0.26 |
Municipal terms of: Elbows. |
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry. |
0.19 |
Non-citrus fruits: Plum. |
0.26 |
Non-citrus fruits: Apple and pear. |
0.19 |
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine. |
0.13 |
Nuts: Almond. |
0.13 |
Municipal terms of: Fears of Aragon. |
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry. |
0.19 |
Non-citrus fruits: Plum. |
0.26 |
Non-citrus fruits: Apple and pear. |
0.19 |
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine. |
0.19 |
Municipal terms of: Morata of Jiloca. |
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry. |
0.19 |
Non-citrus fruits: Plum. |
0.19 |
Non-citrus fruits: Apple and pear. |
0.26 |
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine. |
0.26 |
Municipal terms of: Moors. |
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry. |
0.19 |
Non-citrus fruits: Plum. |
0.26 |
Non-citrus fruits: Apple and pear. |
0.19 |
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine. |
0.26 |
Horticultural products. |
0.13 |
Municipal terms of: Muel. |
Nuts: Almond. |
0.13 |
Grapes for wine with DO |
0.06 |
Municipal terms of: Paracuellos de la Ribera. |
Non-citrus fruits: Apricot. |
0.19 |
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry. |
0.13 |
Non-citrus fruits: Plum. |
0.13 |
Non-citrus fruits: Peach. |
0.19 |
Municipal terms of: Valtorres. |
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry. |
0.26 |
Non-citrus fruits: Plum. |
0.26 |
Non-citrus fruits: Peach. |
0.26 |