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Practical Income Manual 2023.


Province: Barcelona
Territorial scope Activity Net return index
Municipal terms of: Abrera and Bigues i Riells. Beekeeping. 0.05
Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Olive products. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Aguilar de Segarra and Balsareny. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.13
Legumes. 0.05
Oilseeds. 0.06
Olive products. 0.09
Grape for wine with DO 0.11
Municipal terms of: Alella, Arenys de Mar, Cabrera de Mar, Montgat, Sant Andreu de Llavaneres, Teià and Tiana. Grape for wine with DO 0.11
Municipal terms of: Alps. Forages. 0.19
Municipal terms of: Ametlla del Vallès (L''), Canovelles, Santa Perpètua de Mogoda and Vilanova del Vallès. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Oilseeds. 0.11
Municipal terms of: Arenys de Munt. Cereals. 0.09
Forages. 0.13
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry. 0.19
Non-citrus fruits: Peach. 0.19
Grape for wine with DO 0.11
Municipal terms of: Argençola, Bellprat, Cabrera d'Anoia, Calonge de Segarra, Castellfollit de Riubregós, Castellolí, Copons, Igualada, Jorba, Llacuna (La), Orpí, Pujalt, Rubió, Sant Martí de Tous, Santa Margarida de Montbui, Veciana and Vilanova del Cami. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.13
Oilseeds: Rape. 0.06
Olive products. 0.09
Grape for wine with DO 0.16
Municipal terms of: Argentona, Palafolls and Vilassar de Dalt. Cereals. 0.09
Forages. 0.13
Grape for wine with DO 0.11
Municipal terms of: Artés and Sant Fruitós de Bages. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.13
Nuts. 0.09
Oilseeds. 0.06
Olive products. 0.09
Grape for wine with DO 0.06
Municipal terms of: Avià, Casserres and Quar (La). Forages. 0.13
Oilseeds. 0.16
Municipal terms of: Avinyó and Sallent. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.13
Nuts. 0.09
Legumes. 0.05
Oilseeds. 0.06
Olive products. 0.09
Grape for wine with DO 0.06
Municipal terms of: Avinyonet del Penedès, Font-rubí, Sant Llorenç d'Hortons, Torrelavit and Torrelles de Foix. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry. 0.19
Non-citrus fruits: Peach. 0.19
Nuts: Almond. 0.09
Olive products. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Badalona, ​​Castelldefels, Hospitalet de Llobregat (L''), Pallejà, Sant Just Desvern, Sant Vicenç dels Horts and Vallirana. Beekeeping. 0.05
Municipal terms of: Bagà, Borredà, Calella, Castell de l'Areny, Castellar de n'Hug, Castellar del Riu, Cercs, Fígols, Gisclareny, Guardiola de Berguedà, Malgrat de Mar, Nou de Berguedà (La), Pobla de Lillet (La), Saldes, Sant Jaume de Frontanyà, Sant Julià de Cerdanyola, Santa Maria de Merlès, Vallcebre and Òrrius. Forages. 0.13
Municipal terms of: Balenyà, Calldetenes, Centelles, Folgueroles, Gurb and Manlleu. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Legumes. 0.05
Oilseeds. 0.06
Tubers. 0.05
Municipal terms of: Begues. Beekeeping. 0.05
Cereals. 0.09
Forages. 0.13
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry. 0.19
Municipal terms of: Berga and Espunyola (L''). Forages. 0.13
Oilseeds. 0.22
Municipal terms of: Bruc (El), Capellades and Vallbona d'Anoia. Forages. 0.13
Olive products. 0.09
Grape for wine with DO 0.16
Municipal terms of: Brull (The). Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Non-citrus fruits. 0.26
Legumes. 0.05
Oilseeds. 0.06
Tubers. 0.05
Municipal terms of: Cabanyes (Les), Castellar del Vallès, Pacs del Penedès and Pla del Penedès (El). Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Olive products. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Cabrils. Forages. 0.13
Grape for wine with DO 0.11
Municipal terms of: Calaf, Montmaneu, Prats de Rei (Els), Sant Martí Sesgueioles and Sant Pere Sallavinera. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.13
Oilseeds: Rape. 0.06
Grape for wine with DO 0.16
Municipal terms of: Caldes de Montbui, Cànoves i Samalús and Franqueses del Vallès (Les). Beekeeping. 0.05
Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Oilseeds. 0.11
Olive products. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Calders. Beekeeping. 0.09
Beef beef. 0.05
Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.19
Nuts. 0.09
Meat sheep and goats. 0.05
Olive products. 0.09
Grape for wine with DO 0.11
Municipal terms of: Callus. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.13
Olive products. 0.09
Grape for wine with DO 0.11
Municipal terms of: Campins, Figaró-Montmany and Tagamanent. Forages. 0.07
Municipal terms of: Canyelles. Cereals. 0.05
Nuts: Carob. 0.05
Olive products. 0.09
Grape for wine with DO 0.11
Municipal terms of: Capolat, Puig-reig and Viver i Serrateix. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.13
Oilseeds. 0.06
Municipal terms of: Barberà del Vallès, Cardedeu, Gallifa, Lliçà de Vall, Mollet del Vallès, Montmeló, Parets del Vallès, Puigdàlber, Ripollet, Sant Esteve de Palautordera and Santa Fe del Penedès. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Municipal terms of: Cardona, Castellfollit del Boix and Navàs. Cereals. 0.09
Forages. 0.13
Nuts. 0.13
Legumes. 0.09
Oilseeds. 0.06
Olive products. 0.09
Grape for wine with DO 0.11
Municipal terms of: Carmen. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.13
Oilseeds: Rape. 0.06
Olive products. 0.09
Grape for wine with DO 0.06
Municipal terms of: Castellbell i el Vilar, Castellgalí, Fonollosa, Manresa and Sant Joan de Vilatorrada. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.13
Nuts. 0.09
Legumes. 0.05
Oilseeds. 0.06
Olive products. 0.09
Grape for wine with DO 0.11
Municipal terms of: Castellbisbal. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry. 0.19
Non-citrus fruits: Peach. 0.19
Olive products. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Castellcir. Beekeeping. 0.09
Beef beef. 0.05
Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.19
Nuts. 0.09
Oilseeds. 0.06
Meat sheep and goats. 0.05
Municipal terms of: Castellet i la Gornal. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry. 0.19
Non-citrus fruits: Peach. 0.19
Nuts: Almond. 0.09
Olive products. 0.09
Grape for wine with DO 0.16
Municipal terms of: Castellnou de Bages. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.13
Legumes. 0.05
Municipal terms of: Castellterçol. Beekeeping. 0.09
Beef beef. 0.05
Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.19
Legumes. 0.05
Oilseeds. 0.06
Meat sheep and goats. 0.05
Municipal terms of: Castellví de la Marca. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Peach. 0.19
Nuts: Almond. 0.09
Olive products. 0.09
Grape for wine with DO 0.16
Municipal terms of: Castellví de Rosanes. Beekeeping. 0.05
Cereals. 0.05
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry. 0.19
Olive products. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Cervello. Non-citrus fruits: Cherry. 0.19
Olive products. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Collbató. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Nuts: Almond. 0.09
Oilseeds. 0.06
Olive products. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Collsuspina. Beekeeping. 0.09
Beef beef. 0.05
Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.19
Oilseeds. 0.06
Meat sheep and goats. 0.05
Municipal terms of: Corbera de Llobregat and Olesa de Montserrat. Beekeeping. 0.05
Olive products. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Cubelles. Cereals. 0.05
Non-citrus fruits: Peach. 0.19
Nuts: Carob. 0.05
Nuts: Almond. 0.05
Olive products. 0.09
Grape for wine with DO 0.11
Municipal terms of: Dosrius, Sant Hipòlit de Voltregà, Santa Susanna and Vilada. Cereals. 0.09
Forages. 0.13
Municipal terms of: Esparreguera. Beekeeping. 0.05
Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Nuts: Almond. 0.09
Oilseeds. 0.06
Olive products. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Estany (L''). Beekeeping. 0.09
Beef beef. 0.05
Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.19
Oilseeds. 0.06
Municipal terms of: Fogars de Montclús. Beekeeping. 0.05
Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Olive products. 0.09
Grape for wine with DO 0.16
Municipal terms of: Garriga (The). Beekeeping. 0.05
Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Oilseeds. 0.11
Olive products. 0.09
Grape for wine with DO 0.16
Municipal terms of: Gavà and Sant Boi de Llobregat. Beekeeping. 0.05
Nuts: Carob. 0.09
Horticultural products: Artichoke. 0.13
Horticultural products: green bean 0.13
Municipal terms of: Gaia. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.13
Oilseeds. 0.06
Grape for wine with DO 0.11
Municipal terms of: Gelida, Granada (La) and Mediona. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Peach. 0.19
Nuts: Almond. 0.09
Olive products. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Gironella, Montclar, Montmajor, Olvan and Sagàs. Cereals. 0.09
Forages. 0.13
Oilseeds. 0.11
Municipal terms of: Barn. Beef beef. 0.05
Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.19
Nuts. 0.09
Olive products. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Granollers and Llinars del Vallès. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Oilseeds. 0.11
Grape for wine with DO 0.16
Municipal terms of: Gualba, Montseny, Sant Feliu de Codines and Vallgorguina. Beekeeping. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Municipal terms of: Pont de Vilomara i Rocafort (El), Rajadell and Sant Salvador de Guardiola. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.13
Nuts. 0.09
Oilseeds. 0.06
Olive products. 0.09
Grape for wine with DO 0.11
Municipal terms of: Lliçà d'Amunt, Sant Antoni de Vilamajor, Sant Celoni, Sant Pere de Vilamajor and Santa Maria de Palautordera. Beekeeping. 0.05
Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Oilseeds. 0.11
Municipal terms of: Lluçà. Forages. 0.19
Oilseeds. 0.16
Municipal terms of: Malla and Masies de Voltregà (Les). Cereals. 0.09
Forages. 0.13
Legumes. 0.09
Oilseeds. 0.11
Municipal terms of: Martorell. Beekeeping. 0.05
Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Grape for wine with DO 0.06
Municipal terms of: Martorelles, Sant Fost de Campsentelles and Santa Maria de Martorelles. Beekeeping. 0.05
Grape for wine with DO 0.16
Municipal terms of: Masies de Roda (Les) and Muntanyola. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Legumes. 0.05
Oilseeds. 0.06
Municipal terms of: Hostalets in Pierola (Els), Masquefa, Pobla de Claramunt (La), Santa Maria de Miralles, Torre de Claramunt (La) and Òdena. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.13
Oilseeds: Rape. 0.06
Olive products. 0.09
Grape for wine with DO 0.11
Municipal terms of: Matadepera. Beekeeping. 0.09
Forages. 0.07
Nuts: Nut. 0.13
Olive products. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Killed Cereals. 0.09
Grape for wine with DO 0.11
Municipal terms of: Molins de Rei. Beekeeping. 0.05
Cereals. 0.09
Forages. 0.13
Municipal terms of: Montcada i Reixac, Rellinars, Vacarisses and Viladecavalls. Beekeeping. 0.09
Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Olive products. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Marganell and Monistrol de Montserrat. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.13
Nuts. 0.09
Olive products. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Monistrol de Calders. Beekeeping. 0.09
Beef beef. 0.05
Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.19
Nuts. 0.09
Oilseeds. 0.06
Olive products. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Montornès del Vallès. Grape for wine with DO 0.16
Municipal terms of: Moià and Santa Maria d'Oló. Beekeeping. 0.09
Beef beef. 0.05
Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.19
Nuts. 0.09
Legumes. 0.05
Oilseeds. 0.06
Meat sheep and goats. 0.05
Dairy sheep and goats. 0.13
Olive products. 0.09
Grape for wine with DO 0.11
Municipal terms of: Mura. Forages. 0.13
Olive products. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Navarcles. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.13
Nuts. 0.09
Oilseeds. 0.06
Olive products. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Olèrdola. Cereals. 0.05
Nuts: Almond. 0.09
Olive products. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Olesa de Bonesvalls. Cereals. 0.05
Olive products. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Olivella. Olive products. 0.09
Grape for wine with DO 0.16
Municipal terms of: Olost, Oristà, Santa Eugènia de Berga, Tavèrnoles and Tona. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Legumes. 0.05
Tubers. 0.05
Municipal terms of: Orís and Torelló. Cereals. 0.09
Forages. 0.13
Legumes. 0.09
Tubers. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Palau-solità i Plegamans, Sabadell, Sant Cugat del Vallès and Sentmenat. Beekeeping. 0.09
Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Oilseeds. 0.11
Olive products. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Papiol (The). Beekeeping. 0.05
Forages. 0.19
Olive products. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Piera. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.13
Non-citrus fruits: Peach. 0.13
Oilseeds: Rape. 0.06
Olive products. 0.09
Grape for wine with DO 0.11
Municipal terms of: Pineda de Mar. Cereals. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Polinyà and Sant Quirze del Vallès. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Oilseeds. 0.11
Olive products. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Pontoons. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Apple. 0.19
Olive products. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Prat de Llobregat (El), Sant Feliu de Llobregat and Viladecans. Beekeeping. 0.05
Horticultural products: Artichoke. 0.13
Horticultural products: green bean 0.13
Municipal terms of: Prats de Lluçanès and Santa Eulàlia de Riuprimer. Cereals. 0.09
Forages. 0.13
Legumes. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Vallès Rock (La). Beekeeping. 0.05
Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Oilseeds. 0.11
Grape for wine with DO 0.16
Municipal terms of: Roda de Ter, Sant Bartomeu del Grau and Sant Julià de Vilatorta. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Legumes. 0.05
Municipal terms of: Rubí and Ullastrell. Beekeeping. 0.09
Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry. 0.19
Non-citrus fruits: Peach. 0.19
Olive products. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Santpedor. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.13
Nuts. 0.09
Legumes. 0.05
Oilseeds. 0.06
Grape for wine with DO 0.11
Municipal terms of: Sant Iscle de Vallalta. Forages. 0.13
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry. 0.19
Grape for wine with DO 0.11
Municipal terms of: Sant Cebrià de Vallalta. Cereals. 0.09
Forages. 0.13
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry. 0.19
Grape for wine with DO 0.11
Municipal terms of: Sant Climent de Llobregat. Beekeeping. 0.05
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry. 0.19
Olive products. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Sant Cugat Sesgarrigues. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Peach. 0.19
Municipal terms of: Sant Esteve Sesrovires. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Oilseeds. 0.06
Olive products. 0.09
Grape for wine with DO 0.11
Municipal terms of: Sant Feliu Sasserra. Cereals. 0.09
Forages. 0.13
Nuts. 0.13
Oilseeds. 0.06
Olive products. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Sant Joan Despí. Horticultural products: Artichoke. 0.13
Horticultural products: green bean 0.13
Municipal terms of: Sant Llorenç Savall. Beekeeping. 0.09
Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Oilseeds. 0.11
Municipal terms of: Sant Martí de Centelles. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Legumes. 0.05
Olive products. 0.05
Tubers. 0.05
Municipal terms of: Sant Martí d'Albars and Sobremunt. Forages. 0.26
Municipal terms of: Sant Martí Sarroca. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Apricot. 0.26
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry. 0.26
Non-citrus fruits: Plum. 0.26
Non-citrus fruits: Peach. 0.26
Non-citrus fruits: Nectarine. 0.26
Nuts: Almond. 0.09
Olive products. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Sant Mateu de Bages. Cereals. 0.09
Forages. 0.13
Nuts. 0.13
Legumes. 0.09
Oilseeds. 0.06
Olive products. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Sant Pere de Ribes. Cereals. 0.05
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry. 0.19
Non-citrus fruits: Peach. 0.19
Nuts: Carob. 0.05
Nuts: Almond. 0.05
Olive products. 0.09
Grape for wine with DO 0.16
Municipal terms of: Sant Pere de Riudebitlles. Forages. 0.07
Nuts: Almond. 0.09
Olive products. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Sant Quintí de Mediona and Vilafranca del Penedès. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Nuts: Almond. 0.09
Olive products. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Sant Quirze Safaja. Beekeeping. 0.09
Beef beef. 0.05
Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.19
Meat sheep and goats. 0.05
Municipal terms of: Sant Sadurní d'Anoia. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Peach. 0.19
Non-citrus fruits: Nectarine. 0.19
Nuts: Almond. 0.09
Olive products. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Santa Coloma de Cervelló. Beekeeping. 0.05
Forages. 0.19
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry. 0.19
Horticultural products: Artichoke. 0.13
Horticultural products: green bean 0.13
Municipal terms of: Santa Eulàlia de Ronçana. Beekeeping. 0.05
Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Nuts: Hazelnut. 0.13
Olive products. 0.09
Grape for wine with DO 0.16
Municipal terms of: Santa Margarida and the Monks. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Nuts: Almond. 0.09
Olive products. 0.09
Grape for wine with DO 0.16
Municipal terms of: Esquirol (L''). Cereals. 0.09
Forages. 0.13
Legumes. 0.09
Oilseeds. 0.11
Tubers. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Sant Vicenç de Castellet. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.13
Nuts. 0.09
Legumes. 0.05
Olive products. 0.09
Grape for wine with DO 0.11
Municipal terms of: Sant Vicenç de Torelló. Cereals. 0.09
Forages. 0.13
Tubers. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Cerdanyola del Vallès. Beekeeping. 0.09
Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Peach. 0.19
Municipal terms of: Seva, Taradell and Vic. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Non-citrus fruits. 0.26
Legumes. 0.05
Tubers. 0.05
Municipal terms of: Sitges. Cereals. 0.05
Nuts: Carob. 0.05
Olive products. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Subirats. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Khaki. 0.19
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry. 0.19
Non-citrus fruits: Peach. 0.19
Nuts: Almond. 0.09
Olive products. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Súria and Talamanca. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.13
Legumes. 0.13
Oilseeds. 0.06
Olive products. 0.09
Grape for wine with DO 0.11
Municipal terms of: Terrassa. Beekeeping. 0.09
Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Nuts: Almond. 0.13
Oilseeds. 0.11
Olive products. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Tordera. Beekeeping. 0.05
Cereals. 0.09
Forages. 0.13
Grape for wine with DO 0.11
Municipal terms of: Torrelles de Llobregat. Beekeeping. 0.05
Cereals. 0.13
Non-citrus fruits: Khaki. 0.13
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry. 0.19
Olive products. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Vilobí del Penedès. Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Non-citrus fruits: Peach. 0.19
Olive products. 0.09
Municipal terms of: Vilalba Sasserra. Beekeeping. 0.05
Cereals. 0.05
Forages. 0.07
Municipal terms of: Vilanova i la Geltrú. Cereals. 0.05
Non-citrus fruits: Peach. 0.19
Nuts: Carob. 0.05
Olive products. 0.09
Grape for wine with DO 0.16
Municipal terms of: Palma de Cervelló (La). Olive products. 0.09