All municipal areas (except those detailed with a lower index). |
Forages. |
0.26 |
Municipal terms of: Abella de la Conca and Gavet de la Conca. |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Forages. |
0.13 |
Nuts: Almond. |
0.09 |
Legumes. |
0.09 |
Oilseeds. |
0.11 |
Municipal terms of: Àger. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Rabbit farming. |
0.07 |
Forages. |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.05 |
Legumes. |
0.05 |
Oilseeds. |
0.06 |
Other agricultural products: Nurseries. |
0.26 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Dairy sheep and goats. |
0.13 |
Olive products. |
0.05 |
Horticultural products. |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Agramunt, Belianes, Ciutadilla, Guimerà, Maldà, Nalec, Omells de na Gaia (Els), Ossó de Sió, Preixana, Sant Martí de Riucorb, Tàrrega, Vallbona de les Monges, Verdú and Vilagrassa. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Rabbit farming. |
0.07 |
Forages. |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.13 |
Legumes. |
0.05 |
Oilseeds. |
0.06 |
Other agricultural products: Nurseries. |
0.26 |
Olive products. |
0.05 |
Horticultural products. |
0.05 |
Grapes for wine with DO |
0.16 |
Grapes for wine without DO |
0.13 |
Municipal terms of: Alamús (Els). |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Dairy cattle. |
0.1 |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Rabbit farming. |
0.07 |
Equine. |
0.16 |
Forages. |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.18 |
Legumes. |
0.09 |
Oilseeds. |
0.11 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Dairy sheep and goats. |
0.13 |
Horticultural products. |
0.05 |
Municipal terms of: Alàs i Cerc, Fígols i Alinyà, Oliana and Ribera d'Urgellet. |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Forages. |
0.13 |
Non-citrus fruits: Apple. |
0.26 |
Municipal terms of: Albagés (L'') and Granyena de les Garrigues. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Dairy cattle. |
0.1 |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Rabbit farming. |
0.07 |
Forages. |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.09 |
Legumes. |
0.05 |
Oilseeds. |
0.06 |
Other agricultural products: Nurseries. |
0.26 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Dairy sheep and goats. |
0.13 |
Olive products. |
0.09 |
Horticultural products. |
0.13 |
Grapes for wine with DO |
0.16 |
Municipal terms of: Albatàrrec, Alcanó, Alfés, Alguaire and Montoliu de Lleida. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Dairy cattle. |
0.1 |
Cereals. |
0.09 |
Rabbit farming. |
0.07 |
Equine. |
0.16 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.18 |
Legumes. |
0.09 |
Oilseeds. |
0.11 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Dairy sheep and goats. |
0.13 |
Olive products. |
0.09 |
Horticultural products. |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Albesa and Torrelameu. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Rabbit farming. |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.13 |
Oilseeds. |
0.22 |
Other agricultural products: Nurseries. |
0.26 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Horticultural products. |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Albi (L''), Cervià de les Garrigues, Cogul (El), Espluga Calba (L''), Floresta (La), Fulleda, Omellons (Els), Pobla de Cérvoles (La), Tarrés, Vilosell (El) and Vinaixa. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Dairy cattle. |
0.1 |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Rabbit farming. |
0.07 |
Forages. |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.05 |
Legumes. |
0.05 |
Oilseeds. |
0.06 |
Other agricultural products: Nurseries. |
0.26 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Dairy sheep and goats. |
0.13 |
Olive products. |
0.05 |
Horticultural products. |
0.13 |
Grapes for wine with DO |
0.16 |
Municipal terms of: Alcarràs, Almacelles, Almenar, Gimenells and Pla de la Font, Soses and Torrefarrera. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Dairy cattle. |
0.10 |
Cereals. |
0.09 |
Rabbit farming. |
0.07 |
Equine. |
0.16 |
Forages. |
0.13 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.18 |
Legumes. |
0.09 |
Oilseeds. |
0.11 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Dairy sheep and goats. |
0.13 |
Horticultural products. |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Alcoletge, Benavent de Segrià, Lleida, Massalcoreig, Portella (La), Rosselló, Sudanell, Torre-serona and Vilanova de Segrià. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Dairy cattle. |
0.1 |
Rabbit farming. |
0.07 |
Equine. |
0.16 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.18 |
Oilseeds. |
0.22 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Dairy sheep and goats. |
0.13 |
Horticultural products. |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Alfarràs, Aspa and Granja d'Escarp (La). |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Dairy cattle. |
0.1 |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Rabbit farming. |
0.07 |
Equine. |
0.16 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.18 |
Legumes. |
0.05 |
Oilseeds. |
0.06 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Dairy sheep and goats. |
0.13 |
Olive products. |
0.09 |
Horticultural products. |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Algerri, Alòs de Balaguer, Avellanes i Santa Linya (Les), Foradada, Ivars de Noguera and Os de Balaguer. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Rabbit farming. |
0.07 |
Forages. |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.05 |
Legumes. |
0.05 |
Oilseeds. |
0.06 |
Other agricultural products: Nurseries. |
0.26 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Olive products. |
0.05 |
Horticultural products. |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Alins, Alt Àneu, Esterri d'Àneu, Esterri de Cardós, Farrera, Lladorre, Llavorsí, Tírvia and Vall de Cardós. |
Cereals. |
0.13 |
Equine. |
0.22 |
Forages. |
0.13 |
Legumes. |
0.13 |
Dairy sheep and goats. |
0.18 |
Olive products. |
0.13 |
Municipal terms of: Almatret. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Dairy cattle. |
0.1 |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Rabbit farming. |
0.07 |
Equine. |
0.16 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.05 |
Legumes. |
0.05 |
Oilseeds. |
0.06 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Dairy sheep and goats. |
0.13 |
Olive products. |
0.05 |
Horticultural products. |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Alpicat, Corbins and Sunyer. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Dairy cattle. |
0.1 |
Cereals. |
0.09 |
Rabbit farming. |
0.07 |
Equine. |
0.16 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.18 |
Legumes. |
0.09 |
Oilseeds. |
0.11 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Dairy sheep and goats. |
0.13 |
Horticultural products. |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Naut Aran. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Equine. |
0.22 |
Forages. |
0.19 |
Municipal terms of: Anglesola, Bellpuig, Castellserà, Fuliola (La), Puigverd d'Agramunt and Tornabous. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Rabbit farming. |
0.07 |
Forages. |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.13 |
Oilseeds. |
0.06 |
Other agricultural products: Nurseries. |
0.26 |
Olive products. |
0.05 |
Horticultural products. |
0.05 |
Grapes for wine with DO |
0.16 |
Grapes for wine without DO |
0.13 |
Municipal terms of: Arbeca, Borges Blanques (Les), Castelldans, Juneda and Puiggròs. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Dairy cattle. |
0.1 |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Rabbit farming. |
0.07 |
Forages. |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.09 |
Legumes. |
0.05 |
Oilseeds. |
0.06 |
Other agricultural products: Nurseries. |
0.26 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Dairy sheep and goats. |
0.13 |
Olive products. |
0.09 |
Horticultural products. |
0.05 |
Grapes for wine with DO |
0.16 |
Municipal terms of: Arsèguel, Cava, Estamariu, Gósol, Josa i Tuixén, Pont de Bar (El), Valls de Valira (Les) and Vansa i Fórnols (La). |
Forages. |
0.13 |
Municipal terms of: Arres, Bausen, Bossòst, Bòrdes (Es), Canejan, Les, Vielha e Mijaran and Vilamòs. |
Equine. |
0.22 |
Municipal terms of: Lleida trough. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Dairy cattle. |
0.1 |
Cereals. |
0.09 |
Rabbit farming. |
0.07 |
Equine. |
0.16 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.09 |
Legumes. |
0.09 |
Oilseeds. |
0.11 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Dairy sheep and goats. |
0.13 |
Olive products. |
0.05 |
Horticultural products. |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Segre trough. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Rabbit farming. |
0.07 |
Forages. |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.05 |
Legumes. |
0.05 |
Oilseeds. |
0.06 |
Other agricultural products: Nurseries. |
0.26 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Dairy sheep and goats. |
0.13 |
Olive products. |
0.05 |
Horticultural products. |
0.05 |
Grapes for wine with DO |
0.11 |
Grapes for wine without DO |
0.09 |
Municipal terms of: Bellcaire d'Urgell, Bellmunt d'Urgell, Penelles, Preixens and Sentiu de Sió (La). |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Rabbit farming. |
0.07 |
Forages. |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.09 |
Legumes. |
0.05 |
Oilseeds. |
0.06 |
Other agricultural products: Nurseries. |
0.26 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Olive products. |
0.09 |
Horticultural products. |
0.05 |
Municipal terms of: Aitona. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Dairy cattle. |
0.1 |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Rabbit farming. |
0.07 |
Equine. |
0.16 |
Forages. |
0.13 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.18 |
Legumes. |
0.05 |
Oilseeds. |
0.06 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Dairy sheep and goats. |
0.13 |
Olive products. |
0.05 |
Horticultural products. |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Baix Pallars. |
Dairy cattle. |
0.1 |
Equine. |
0.22 |
Forages. |
0.19 |
Dairy sheep and goats. |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Balaguer. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Dairy cattle. |
0.1 |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Rabbit farming. |
0.07 |
Forages. |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.05 |
Legumes. |
0.05 |
Oilseeds. |
0.06 |
Other agricultural products: Nurseries. |
0.26 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Olive products. |
0.09 |
Horticultural products. |
0.13 |
Municipal terms of: Barbens, Golmés, Miralcamp, Mollerussa, Vila-sana and Vilanova de Bellpuig. |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Dairy cattle. |
0.1 |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Forages. |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.13 |
Legumes. |
0.05 |
Oilseeds. |
0.06 |
Other agricultural products: Nurseries. |
0.26 |
Horticultural products. |
0.05 |
Municipal terms of: Barony of Rialb (La) and Camarasa. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Rabbit farming. |
0.07 |
Forages. |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.05 |
Legumes. |
0.05 |
Oilseeds. |
0.06 |
Other agricultural products: Nurseries. |
0.26 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Olive products. |
0.05 |
Horticultural products. |
0.18 |
Grapes for wine with DO |
0.16 |
Grapes for wine without DO |
0.13 |
Municipal terms of: Pont de Suert (El), Vall de Boí (La) and Vilaller. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Equine. |
0.22 |
Forages. |
0.19 |
Dairy sheep and goats. |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Bassella, Cabó, Coll de Nargó, Montferrer i Castellbò, Organyà, Peramola, Seu d'Urgell (La) and Valls d'Aguilar (Les). |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Forages. |
0.13 |
Municipal terms of: Bell-lloc d'Urgell and Bellvís. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Dairy cattle. |
0.1 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.13 |
Oilseeds. |
0.22 |
Other agricultural products: Nurseries. |
0.26 |
Horticultural products. |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Bellver de Cerdanya, Montellà i Martinet and Prats i Sansor. |
Dairy cattle. |
0.1 |
Cereals. |
0.09 |
Equine. |
0.22 |
Forages. |
0.07 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Municipal terms of: Biosca. |
Cereals. |
0.09 |
Forages. |
0.13 |
Legumes. |
0.05 |
Oilseeds. |
0.06 |
Municipal terms of: Bellaguarda, Bovera, Granadella (La), Juncosa, Soleràs (El) and Torms (Els). |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Dairy cattle. |
0.1 |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Rabbit farming. |
0.07 |
Forages. |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.18 |
Legumes. |
0.05 |
Oilseeds. |
0.06 |
Other agricultural products: Nurseries. |
0.26 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Dairy sheep and goats. |
0.13 |
Horticultural products. |
0.13 |
Grapes for wine with DO |
0.16 |
Municipal terms of: Cabanabona. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Rabbit farming. |
0.07 |
Forages. |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Legumes. |
0.05 |
Oilseeds. |
0.06 |
Other agricultural products: Nurseries. |
0.26 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Olive products. |
0.05 |
Horticultural products. |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Castellar de la Ribera. |
Cereals. |
0.09 |
Forages. |
0.13 |
Oilseeds. |
0.11 |
Municipal terms of: Castellnou de Seana, Linyola and Torregrossa. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Dairy cattle. |
0.1 |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Forages. |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.13 |
Legumes. |
0.05 |
Oilseeds. |
0.06 |
Other agricultural products: Nurseries. |
0.26 |
Horticultural products. |
0.05 |
Municipal terms of: Castelló de Farfanya. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Rabbit farming. |
0.07 |
Forages. |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.05 |
Legumes. |
0.05 |
Oilseeds. |
0.06 |
Other agricultural products: Nurseries. |
0.26 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Olive products. |
0.09 |
Horticultural products. |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Cervera. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Rabbit farming. |
0.07 |
Forages. |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.05 |
Legumes. |
0.05 |
Oilseeds. |
0.06 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Dairy sheep and goats. |
0.13 |
Olive products. |
0.05 |
Horticultural products. |
0.05 |
Grapes for wine with DO |
0.16 |
Grapes for wine without DO |
0.13 |
Municipal terms of: Clariana by Cardener and Pinell by Solsonès. |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Forages. |
0.07 |
Legumes. |
0.05 |
Oilseeds. |
0.06 |
Municipal terms of: Cubells and Vilanova de l'Aguda. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Rabbit farming. |
0.07 |
Forages. |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.05 |
Legumes. |
0.05 |
Oilseeds. |
0.06 |
Other agricultural products: Nurseries. |
0.26 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Olive products. |
0.05 |
Horticultural products. |
0.05 |
Municipal terms of: Spot. |
Equine. |
0.22 |
Dairy sheep and goats. |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Estaràs, Granyena de Segarra, Guissona, Massoteres, Plans de Sió (Els), Ribera d'Ondara, Sanaüja, Sant Guim de Freixenet, Sant Guim de la Plana, Sant Ramon, Talavera, Tarroja de Segarra and Torrefeta i Florejacs. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Rabbit farming. |
0.07 |
Forages. |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.05 |
Legumes. |
0.05 |
Oilseeds. |
0.06 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Olive products. |
0.05 |
Horticultural products. |
0.05 |
Grapes for wine with DO |
0.16 |
Grapes for wine without DO |
0.13 |
Municipal terms of: Fondarella, Palau d'Anglesola (El), Poal (El) and Sidamon. |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Dairy cattle. |
0.1 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.13 |
Oilseeds. |
0.22 |
Other agricultural products: Nurseries. |
0.26 |
Horticultural products. |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Granyanella, Ivorra, Montoliu de Segarra, Montornès de Segarra and Oluges (Les). |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Forages. |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.05 |
Legumes. |
0.05 |
Oilseeds. |
0.06 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Olive products. |
0.05 |
Horticultural products. |
0.05 |
Grapes for wine with DO |
0.16 |
Grapes for wine without DO |
0.13 |
Municipal terms of: Guixers and Sant Llorenç de Morunys. |
Forages. |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits: Apple. |
0.26 |
Municipal terms of: Ivars d'Urgell. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Dairy cattle. |
0.1 |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Forages. |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.13 |
Legumes. |
0.05 |
Oilseeds. |
0.06 |
Other agricultural products: Nurseries. |
0.26 |
Dairy sheep and goats. |
0.18 |
Horticultural products. |
0.05 |
Municipal terms of: Isona and Conca Dellà. |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Forages. |
0.13 |
Nuts: Almond. |
0.09 |
Legumes. |
0.09 |
Oilseeds. |
0.11 |
Dairy sheep and goats. |
0.13 |
Grapes for wine with DO |
0.16 |
Municipal terms of: Lladurs. |
Forages. |
0.13 |
Oilseeds. |
0.16 |
Municipal terms of: Llardecans, Maials, Sarroca de Lleida and Torrebesses. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Dairy cattle. |
0.1 |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Rabbit farming. |
0.07 |
Equine. |
0.16 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.09 |
Legumes. |
0.05 |
Oilseeds. |
0.06 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Dairy sheep and goats. |
0.13 |
Olive products. |
0.05 |
Horticultural products. |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Lakes of Cerdanya. |
Cereals. |
0.09 |
Equine. |
0.22 |
Forages. |
0.13 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Municipal terms of: Llimiana. |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Forages. |
0.13 |
Nuts: Almond. |
0.09 |
Oilseeds. |
0.11 |
Grapes for wine with DO |
0.16 |
Municipal terms of: Llobera. |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Forages. |
0.07 |
Oilseeds. |
0.06 |
Municipal terms of: Menàrguens. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Rabbit farming. |
0.07 |
Equine. |
0.16 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.13 |
Oilseeds. |
0.22 |
Other agricultural products: Nurseries. |
0.26 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Olive products. |
0.09 |
Horticultural products. |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Molsosa (The). |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Forages. |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits: Apple. |
0.26 |
Legumes. |
0.09 |
Oilseeds. |
0.06 |
Municipal terms of: Montgai. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Dairy cattle. |
0.1 |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Rabbit farming. |
0.07 |
Forages. |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.09 |
Legumes. |
0.05 |
Oilseeds. |
0.06 |
Other agricultural products: Nurseries. |
0.26 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Dairy sheep and goats. |
0.13 |
Olive products. |
0.09 |
Horticultural products. |
0.05 |
Municipal terms of: Navès. |
Forages. |
0.13 |
Non-citrus fruits: Apple. |
0.26 |
Oilseeds. |
0.16 |
Municipal terms of: Oden and Solsona. |
Cereals. |
0.09 |
Forages. |
0.13 |
Grapes for wine without DO |
0.13 |
Municipal terms of: Oliola. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Rabbit farming. |
0.07 |
Forages. |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.13 |
Legumes. |
0.05 |
Oilseeds. |
0.06 |
Other agricultural products: Nurseries. |
0.26 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Olive products. |
0.05 |
Horticultural products. |
0.05 |
Municipal terms of: Olius. |
Cereals. |
0.09 |
Forages. |
0.13 |
Legumes. |
0.09 |
Oilseeds. |
0.11 |
Municipal terms of: Dalt Basin. |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Equine. |
0.22 |
Forages. |
0.13 |
Nuts: Almond. |
0.09 |
Legumes. |
0.09 |
Olive products. |
0.09 |
Municipal terms of: Eat and the Stone (The). |
Forages. |
0.07 |
Municipal terms of: Pine trees. |
Cereals. |
0.09 |
Forages. |
0.13 |
Legumes. |
0.05 |
Oilseeds. |
0.11 |
Municipal terms of: Town of Segur (La). |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Forages. |
0.13 |
Olive products. |
0.09 |
Municipal terms of: Bridges. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Rabbit farming. |
0.07 |
Forages. |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.13 |
Legumes. |
0.05 |
Oilseeds. |
0.06 |
Other agricultural products: Nurseries. |
0.26 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Olive products. |
0.05 |
Horticultural products. |
0.13 |
Grapes for wine with DO |
0.16 |
Grapes for wine without DO |
0.13 |
Municipal terms of: Prullans. |
Cereals. |
0.09 |
Equine. |
0.22 |
Forages. |
0.13 |
Municipal terms of: Puigverd of Lleida. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Dairy cattle. |
0.1 |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Rabbit farming. |
0.07 |
Equine. |
0.16 |
Forages. |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.18 |
Legumes. |
0.09 |
Oilseeds. |
0.11 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Dairy sheep and goats. |
0.13 |
Olive products. |
0.09 |
Horticultural products. |
0.05 |
Municipal terms of: Rialp and Soriguera. |
Equine. |
0.22 |
Forages. |
0.19 |
Dairy sheep and goats. |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Riner. |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Forages. |
0.07 |
Legumes. |
0.05 |
Oilseeds. |
0.06 |
Grapes for wine without DO |
0.13 |
Municipal terms of: Pallars Halls. |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Equine. |
0.22 |
Forages. |
0.13 |
Oilseeds. |
0.11 |
Grapes for wine with DO |
0.16 |
Municipal terms of: Saint Stephen of the Sarga. |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Forages. |
0.13 |
Municipal terms of: Sarroca de Bellera and Torre de Cabdella (La). |
Equine. |
0.22 |
Forages. |
0.19 |
Municipal terms of: Entered. |
Equine. |
0.22 |
Forages. |
0.19 |
Dairy sheep and goats. |
0.13 |
Municipal terms of: You will be. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Dairy cattle. |
0.1 |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Rabbit farming. |
0.07 |
Equine. |
0.16 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.09 |
Legumes. |
0.05 |
Oilseeds. |
0.06 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Dairy sheep and goats. |
0.13 |
Olive products. |
0.09 |
Horticultural products. |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Sort. |
Equine. |
0.22 |
Nuts: Nut. |
0.18 |
Dairy sheep and goats. |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Talarn. |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Forages. |
0.13 |
Nuts: Almond. |
0.09 |
Oilseeds. |
0.11 |
Dairy sheep and goats. |
0.13 |
Municipal terms of: Terms. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Dairy cattle. |
0.1 |
Cereals. |
0.09 |
Rabbit farming. |
0.07 |
Forages. |
0.13 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.09 |
Legumes. |
0.09 |
Oilseeds. |
0.11 |
Other agricultural products: Nurseries. |
0.26 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Olive products. |
0.09 |
Horticultural products. |
0.05 |
Municipal terms of: Tiurana. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Rabbit farming. |
0.07 |
Forages. |
0.07 |
Legumes. |
0.05 |
Oilseeds. |
0.06 |
Other agricultural products: Nurseries. |
0.26 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Olive products. |
0.05 |
Horticultural products. |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Torah. |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Forages. |
0.07 |
Oilseeds. |
0.11 |
Municipal terms of: Segre Towers. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Dairy cattle. |
0.1 |
Rabbit farming. |
0.07 |
Equine. |
0.16 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.18 |
Oilseeds. |
0.22 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Dairy sheep and goats. |
0.13 |
Olive products. |
0.09 |
Horticultural products. |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Tremp. |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Equine. |
0.22 |
Forages. |
0.13 |
Nuts: Almond. |
0.09 |
Legumes. |
0.09 |
Oilseeds. |
0.11 |
Municipal terms of: Vallogona of Balaguer. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Dairy cattle. |
0.1 |
Rabbit farming. |
0.07 |
Forages. |
0.19 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.13 |
Oilseeds. |
0.16 |
Other agricultural products: Nurseries. |
0.26 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Olive products. |
0.09 |
Horticultural products. |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Vilanova de Meià. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Rabbit farming. |
0.07 |
Forages. |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.05 |
Legumes. |
0.05 |
Oilseeds. |
0.06 |
Other agricultural products: Nurseries. |
0.26 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Dairy sheep and goats. |
0.13 |
Olive products. |
0.05 |
Horticultural products. |
0.18 |
Grapes for wine with DO |
0.16 |
Grapes for wine without DO |
0.13 |
Municipal terms of: Vilanova de la Barca. |
Beekeeping. |
0.09 |
Beef cattle. |
0.07 |
Breeding cattle. |
0.13 |
Dairy cattle. |
0.1 |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Rabbit farming. |
0.07 |
Equine. |
0.16 |
Forages. |
0.13 |
Non-citrus fruits. |
0.19 |
Nuts. |
0.18 |
Oilseeds. |
0.22 |
Sheep and goat meat. |
0.07 |
Dairy sheep and goats. |
0.13 |
Olive products. |
0.09 |
Horticultural products. |
0.05 |
Municipal terms of: Àneu's guingueta (The). |
Equine. |
0.22 |
Forages. |
0.13 |
Non-citrus fruits: Apple. |
0.07 |
Dairy sheep and goats. |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Mur Castle. |
Cereals. |
0.05 |
Forages. |
0.13 |
Nuts: Almond. |
0.09 |
Municipal terms of: Cerdanya River. |
Cereals. |
0.09 |
Equine. |
0.22 |
Forages. |
0.07 |