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Practical Income Manual 2023.

Forestry exploitations

Group name Products Contents
Tree species with average cutting period greater than 30 years Chestnut, birch, ash, maple, cherry, alder, walnut, Scots pine (P. Sylvestris), black pine, spruce, Oregon pine, cedar, Aleppo pine, Canarian pine, stone pine, pinaster pine, cypress, beech, oak (Q. robur, Q.Petraea), oak, holm oak, cork oak and other oaks 0.13
Tree species with an average cutting period equal to or less than 30 years  Eucalyptus, poplar, famous pine and maritime pine 0.26
Resin extraction forestry activity 0.32
Ancillary activities carried out by forestry owners 0.42
Other work and accessory services provided by forestry owners 0.56