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Practical Income Manual 2023.

Example: sale of fully or partially paid-up shares

Don CLS On March 5, 2001, it acquired 900 shares of the publicly traded company YY for an amount of 10 euros per share.

On May 11, 2007, YY company distributed dividends through the delivery of fully paid-up shares. Don CLS receives 600 shares.

On September 14, 2011, another 500 partially redeemed shares are delivered for which 3,500 euros are paid (5 euros per share).

On October 15, 2023 Mr. CLS sells 1,600 shares for 16,000 euros (10 euros per share).


1. Acquisition value of the fully paid-up shares .

The fully paid-up shares received on May 11, 2007 are added to the shares acquired on March 5, 2001 (900 + 600 = 1,500 shares) and the total cost (9,000 euros + 0 euros for the released shares = 9,000 euros) is distributed among the number of shares (1,500), determining an acquisition value of 6 euros per share (9,000/1,500), considering the date of acquisition of the fully paid-up shares received as the date corresponding to the shares from which they come (March 5, 2001).

Information Shares acquired on 03-05-2001 Released shares Total
Number of actions 900 600 1,500
Acquisition cost 9,000 0 9,000
Acquisition value/share (€9,000 ÷ 1,500 shares) 6

2. Acquisition value of the partially redeemed shares .

Their acquisition value will be the amount actually paid by the taxpayer. In this case 2,500 euros (2,500 euros ÷ 500 shares = 5 euros/per share).

3. Determination of total capital gain or loss :

Information Acquired on 03-05-2001 Acquired on 09-14-2011
Number of shares sold (1,600) 1,500 accs.(*) 100 accs.(*)
Transfer value (10 euros per share) 15,000 1,000
Cost price 9,000 500
Capital gain 6,000 500

(*) Of the transfer of the 1,600 shares, 1,500 correspond to those acquired on 03-05-2001 (which include the 600 fully released shares) and 100 to those acquired partially released on 09-14-2011. (Back)