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Practical Income Manual 2023.

Lien on the general liquidable base

Regulations: Articles 63.1 and 65 Law Personal Income Tax

The general taxable base will be subject to tax applying the following scales:

Liquidable base up to (euros) Full fee (euros) Remainder base liquidable up to (euros) Applicable rate (%)
Scale of article 63.1 Law Personal Income Tax  
0.00 0.00 12,450.00 9.50
12,450.00 1,182.75 7,750.00 12.00
20,200.00 2,112.75 15,000.00 15.00
35,200.00 4,362.75 24,800.00 18.50
60,000.00 8,950.75 240,000.00 22.50
300,000.00 62,950.75 From there on 24.50
Liquidable base up to (euros) Full fee (euros) Remainder base liquidable up to (euros) Applicable rate (%)
Scale of article 65 Law Personal Income Tax
0.00 0.00 12,450.00 9.50
12,450.00 1,182.75 7,750.00 12.00
20,200.00 2,112.75 15,000.00 15.00
35,200.00 4,362.75 24,800.00 18.50
60,000.00 8,950.75 From there on 22.50