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Practical Income Manual 2023.

Deductions for incentives and stimuli for business investment in economic activities in direct estimation

Regulations: Articles 68.2 and 69.2 Law Personal Income Tax

Taxpayers who carry out economic activities in direct estimation may apply the incentives and stimuli for business investment established or established in the Corporate Tax regulations with equal percentages and deduction limits, with two exceptions :

  1. The provisions of article 39.2 of the LIS 1## and technological development and innovation of sections 1 and 2 of article 35 of the LIS , without being subject to the joint limit of the full quota and being able to request, where appropriate, its payment, always that certain requirements are met.

    Regarding LIS see Law 27/2014, of November 27, on Corporate Tax.

  2. Nor does the provisions of article 39.3 of the LIS that allow, in relation to the deduction for foreign film productions, apply to taxpayers of ##1## Personal Income Tax ##1## in Spain provided for in section 2 of article 36 of the LIS , request, in the case of insufficient quota, the advance payment of deduction for investment in foreign production of feature films or works audiovisuals.

In addition to the deductions established by LIS , with the exceptions indicated above, taxpayers of Personal Income Tax whose activities meet the requirements to be considered reduced-income entities dimension may deduct the net returns from economic activities of the tax period that are invested in new elements of tangible fixed assets or real estate investments assigned to economic activities in the terms discussed below.

Consequently, in the current fiscal year 2023, the deductions for incentives and stimuli for business investment that taxpayers who own economic activities can apply in the direct estimation method, in any of its two modalities, normal or simplified, can be structured as follows categories or regimes:

  1. General regime and special regimes of deductions for incentives and stimuli for business investment of the Corporate Tax Law
  2. Deduction for investment in new elements of tangible assets or real estate investments used for economic activities
  3. Special regime for business investments in the Canary Islands
  4. Special tax regime of the Balearic Islands