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Practical Income Manual 2023.

By investments in domestic water saving devices

Regulations: Art. 1.Four Text Recast of the legal provisions in force in the Region of Murcia regarding transferred taxes, approved by Legislative Decree 1/2010, of November 5

Amount and maximum limit of the deduction

  • 20 percent of the investments made in domestic water-saving devices, in accordance with the provisions of article 4 of Law 6/2006, of July 21, on the increase of savings and conservation measures in water consumption in the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia.

  • The maximum applicable deduction amount is 60 euros per year .

Maximum base of the deduction

The base of the deduction, which is constituted by the amounts paid for the acquisition and installation of domestic water-saving devices that have been borne by the taxpayer, is not may exceed the amount of 300 euros per year.

Requirements and conditions to apply the deduction

  • That the amounts paid be for the acquisition and installation of domestic water-saving devices in homes that constitute the habitual residence of the taxpayer.

  • That there is a prior recognition from the regional Administration regarding the origin of the application of the deduction.