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Practical Income Manual 2023.

Annex: List of municipalities of La Rioja with the right to deduction: "For the acquisition, construction or rehabilitation of habitual housing in small municipalities of La Rioja”, “For expenses in nursery schools, children's centers or personnel hired to care for children from 0 to 3 years old for taxpayers with habitual residence in small municipalities of La Rioja”, "For each child from 0 to 3 years of age of taxpayers who have their residence or move it to small municipalities of La Rioja in the tax period and maintain it for a period of at least 3 consecutive years", “For internet access for emancipated young people”, “For domestic supply of electricity and gas for emancipated young people” and "For renting a habitual residence for taxpayers under 36 years of age"







12 Beads 630 Fonzaleche 129 Robres del Castillo
33 Aguilar del Río Alhama 658 Galbarruli 1275 Rodezno
48 Ajamil de Cameros 661 Galilee 1281 Sajazarra
70 Alcanadre 677 Cameros Chicken Coop 1308 San Millán de la Cogolla
99 Alesanco 683 Gimileo 1315 San Millán de Yécora
103 Aleson 696 Groat 1320 San Roman de Cameros
125 Almarza de Cameros 700 Tax them 1341 Santa Coloma
131 Anguiana 722 Herce 1354 Santa Engracia del Jubera
146 Anguiano 738 Herramélluri 1367 Saint Eulalia Bajora
159 Arenzana de Abajo 743 Hervias 1392 Saint Torquatus
162 Arenzana de Arriba 756 Hormilla 1406 Santurde de Rioja
178 Arnedillo 769 Hormilleja 1413 Santurdejo
197 Arrubal 775 Cameros stoves 1434 Sojuela
201 Ausejo 781 Moncalvillo ovens 1449 Sorzano
223 Sulfur 794 Huércanos 1452 Sotes
239 Badaran 808 Igea 1465 Soto in Cameros
244 Baths 815 Cameros Pull 1471 Terroba
257 Rioja Baths 820 Cameros Lagoon 1487 Tirgo
276 Berceo 836 Jubera Lagoon 1490 Tobia
282 Bergasa 867 Ledesma de la Cogolla 1503 Tormantos
295 Bergasilla Bottom 873 Leiva 1510 Torrecilla in Cameros
309 Bezares 889 Leza from Río Leza 1525 Tower over Alesanco
316 Bobadilla 913 Louvres 1531 Tower in Cameros
321 Brieva de Cameros 928 Manjarrés 1546 Torremontalbo
337 Briñas 934 Mansilla of the Sierra 1559 Treviana
342 Briones 949 Rioja apple orchards 1578 tritium
355 Cabezón de Cameros 952 Matute 1584 Tudelilla
374 Camprovin 965 Medrano 1601 Uruñuela
380 Sierra Channels 987 Munilla 1411 Valdemadera
393 Canillas de Río Tuerto 1004  Water Wall 1623 Valgañón
407 White hair 1011  Wall in Cameros 1639 Sucker
414 Cardenas 1032 Nalda 1644 Ventrose
435 Rioja chestnut groves 1047 Navajun 1657 Viguera
440 Castroviejo 1063 Nestares 1660 Villalba de Rioja
453 Cellorigo 1079 Snow from Cameros 1676 Villalobar de Rioja
488 Cidamon 1098 Ochanduri 1695 Villanueva de Cameros
491 Cihuri 1085 Or with 1709 Villar de Arnedo (The)
504 plum 1102 Ojacastro 1716 Villar de Torre
511 Clasp 1119 Ollauri 1721 Villarejo
526 Cordovin 1124 Cameros nettle 1737 Villarroya
532 Corera 1130 Pazuengos 1742 Villarta-Quintana
547 Cornago 1145 Pedroso 1755 Villavelayo
550 Corporal 1158 Pinillos 1768 Villaverde de Rioja
563  Cuzcurrita from Río Tirón 1183 Pradillo 1774 Villoslada de Cameros
579 Daroca from Rioja 1196 Prejano 1780 Viniegra de Abajo
585 Enciso 1217 Rabanera 1793 Viniegra from Above
602 Estollo 1222 Rasillo de Cameros (El) 1807 Zarraton
624  Foncea  1238  Redal (The)  1814 Bramble
1835 Zorraquín