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Practical Income Manual 2023.

Earned income

Work performance by express legal provision

Returns obtained from the management of funds linked to entrepreneurship, innovation and the development of economic activity

With effect from January 1, 2023, income obtained by the administrators, managers or employees of the venture capital entities and funds referred to in the fifty-third Additional Provision of the Law of is classified as employment income. IRPF ##1##, or its managing entities or group entities, when they derive directly or indirectly from participations, shares or other rights, including success commissions, that grant special economic rights in any of said entities .

Said income will be integrated into the tax base for 50% of its amount when the requirements established in said provision are met.

Earned incomes in kind

Exempt work income in kind

Article 42.3.f) of the Personal Income Tax Law is modified, which regulates the exemption in the delivery to workers of shares or participations in the company itself or in other group companies, to raise from 12,000 to 50,000 euros the exempt amounts for all those delivered to each worker in the case of shares or participations granted to the workers of an emerging company, also simplifying the conditions and requirements required to enjoy the exemption.

Computation of labor income in kind

A special valuation rule is added to article 43.1.1 º of the Personal Income Tax Law to determine the work performance to be computed in the case of delivery of shares or participations granted to the workers of an emerging company that can benefit from the exemption provided for in article 42 of the Personal Income Tax Law .

Tax consideration of per diems and allowances for travel expenses

Letters b) of article 9.A.2 and a) of article 9.B.1 of the Personal Income Tax Regulations are modified to raise, as of July 17, 2023, from 0. 19 euros to 0.26 euros per kilometer traveled the amount exempted from tax destined by the company to compensate the transportation expenses of the employee or worker who travels outside the factory, workshop, office, or work center, to carry out their work in a different place as long as the reality of the displacement is justified.

Temporary imputation of work income

Income from work in kind derived from the delivery of shares or participations in an emerging company

Completing the exemption of up to 50,000 euros and the new special valuation rule is also established, for the part of the performance of work in kind derived from the delivery of shares or participations of an emerging company that exceeds the exempt amount referred to in article 42.3.f) of the Personal Income Tax Law , a special temporary imputation rule that allows you to defer your imputation until the period tax in which certain circumstances occur, and in any case, within a period of ten years from the delivery of the shares or participations.

Determination of reduced net yield

Reduction of the “XXXVII Copa América Barcelona”

The thirty-sixth Final Provision of the General State Budget Law for the year 2023, has established for natural persons who acquire the status of taxpayers for the Personal Income Tax as a consequence of their movement to the territory Spanish on the occasion of this event, apply a reduction of 65 percent on the net amount of work income that they receive from the organizing entity or from the teams participating in this event, during the celebration of the same and to the extent that they are directly related to your participation in it.

General reduction for obtaining work income

The General State Budget Law for the year 2023 has modified article 20 of the Personal Income Tax Law to increase both the maximum amount of the reduction for obtaining work income (which goes from 5,565 euros per year to 6,498 euros per year) as the threshold of net work income that allows this reduction to be applied (which rises from 16,825 euros to 19,747.5 euros).