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Specific Income Tax Manual 2023 for people over 65 years of age

Earned income

Regulations: Art. 17 Law Income Tax

The following benefits, among others, will be taxed as employment income :

  • The pensions received from the public regimes of Social Security and passive classes and other public benefits for situations of disability, retirement, accident, illness, widowhood, or similar, which are not exempt.

  • Benefits received by beneficiaries compulsory general mutual funds public officials, orphanages and other similar entities.

  • Benefits received by beneficiaries of pension plans .

  • Benefits received by beneficiaries of insurance contracts entered into with social security mutual societies .

  • Benefits received by beneficiaries of the corporate social security plans .

  • Benefits received by beneficiaries of the insured pension plans .

  • The benefits received by the beneficiaries of the dependency insurance in accordance with the provisions of the Law on the promotion of personal autonomy and care for people in situations of dependency.