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Specific manual for people with disabilities

Perception of benefits and early disposition of consolidated rights

Tax regime for benefits received

The benefits received for the contingencies covered by the pension plans will be taxed in their entirety as income from work and in no case may they be reduced by the amounts corresponding to the excess contributions.

Advance disposal of consolidated rights

In the event that the participant, mutual member or insured person had, totally or partially, the consolidated rights, as well as the economic rights derived from the social security systems (except in the case of long-term unemployment, serious illness and from 2025 for contributions and business contributions made at least 10 years old), must replace the reductions in the tax base improperly carried out through the appropriate complementary self-assessments, including late payment interest.

In this case, the amounts received that exceed the amount of the contributions made, including, where applicable, the contributions imputed by the promoter, will be taxed as work income in the tax period in which they are received.