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Specific manual for people with disabilities

Reductions for contributions to protected assets

People whose contributions entitle them to the reduction

  • Those who have a direct or collateral family relationship up to the third degree inclusive, with the person with a disability.

  • The spouse of the disabled person.

  • Those who had him/her in their care under a guardianship or foster care regime.

Under no circumstances will the contributions made by the disabled person his/her own protected assets give the right to a reduction.

Amount of the reduction

The contributions made (monetary or non-monetary) will give the right to reduce the contributor's taxable base, with a maximum limit of €10,000 per year.

The series of reductions made by all the persons who make contributions in favour of the same protected assets may not exceed €24,250 per annum. When it is necessary to reduce contributions, this should be done proportionally.

When the contributions exceed the limits provided for or in those cases where the reduction is not applicable due to insufficient tax base , there will be a right to a reduction in the following four tax periods , until the maximum reduction amounts are exhausted in each of them. In the event of concurrence, the reduction from previous years will be applied first.