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Specific manual for people with disabilities


One of the main objectives of the State Tax Administration Agency is to minimise the compliance costs that citizens must bear in their relations with the Public Treasury.

Faithful to this purpose, and in order to make it easier for people with disabilities to comply with their tax obligations as well as inform them of their possible tax benefits, the Tax Agency makes available the edition of the specific Manual for people with disabilities, adapted to the HTML language that has been prepared by the Department of Tax Management and that includes the specific regulations of the Personal Income Tax (IRPF), the specific regulations of the Value Added Tax (VAT) and the specific regulations of the Tax. Registration (IEDMT).

As part of the current Income Tax campaign, this manual is a good opportunity to learn about the specific tax regulations for people with disabilities.

Finally, its preparation in this digital HTML format allows access to it by the maximum number of people and its availability in other languages or co-official languages. In addition, from the "Generate PDF" option, it is possible to generate a PDF file of the contents of the Manual, which allows you to scroll and navigate through the document, as well as, if desired, print it on paper.

Taxation Management Department