Record Book of specific Intra-EU operations
1. Contents of the Book of certain intra-community operations
In addition to the books mentioned in the previous sections, taxpayers of VAT must keep a record book of certain intra-Community operations.
Intra-Community operations that must be recorded:
Sending or receiving goods to carry out the expert reports or work mentioned in article 70.One.7 letter b) of the VAT Law .
Intra-community transfers and acquisitions of goods included in articles 9.3.º and 16.2.º, including those contemplated in the exceptions of letters e), f) and g) of article 9.3.º of the VAT Law.
The sending or receiving of the goods included in a consignment sales agreement of goods referred to in article 9 bis of the VAT Law.
For taxpayers who are required to keep Tax Registration Books through the Electronic Office, the content of this book is exactly the same.
The obligation to record consignment sales in the Register of certain intra-Community operations through said headquarters is postponed until January 1, 2021.
Data that must be included in the cases provided for in numbers 1 and 2 of article 66.1 of the VAT Regulation:
Operation and date.
Description of the goods with reference to the purchase invoice or title of possession.
Other invoices or documentation related to the operations dealt with.
Identification of the recipient or sender, indicating their VAT NIF, company name and address.
Member state of origin or destination of the goods.
Deadline, where applicable, set for carrying out operations.
The information that must be included in the cases provided for in number 3 of article 66.1 of the VAT Regulations is detailed in chapter 3 within the dedicated section to transfers of goods within the framework of consignment sales agreements.
2. Deadline for registration of the Book of certain intra-community operations
As a general rule, they must be recorded within 7 days from the start of the dispatch or transport of the goods to which they refer.
For taxpayers who are required to keep the Tax Registration Books through the Electronic Office, a specific submission period is also established:
The information on the operations to be recorded in this book must be submitted within a period of four calendar days from the start of the expedition or transport, or where appropriate, from the time of receipt of the goods to which they refer.
For the purposes of calculating the period of these four or eight calendar days, Saturdays, Sundays and declared national holidays are excluded.