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VAT practical manual 2022.


All operations carried out by a taxable person must be recorded in the corresponding specific Registry Books of the VAT , and said taxable person must present a single self-assessment in each comprehensive settlement period of all its activities carried out. , whatever the tax regime and the place where they are carried out.

The period of time covered by each self-assessment is called the settlement period, which may be monthly or quarterly.

In general, all taxable persons will submit quarterly self-assessments, except those registered in the monthly refund register, Large Companies with a volume of operations for VAT purposes in the immediately preceding calendar year exceeding 6,010,121.04 euros and that apply the special regime of the group of entities.

Public Administrations, those taxpayers assigned to the Central Delegation of Large Taxpayers or to any of the Large Business Management Units, taxpayers whose settlement period coincides with the calendar month, and entities that have the legal form of a public limited company or limited liability company, are required to submit electronically via the Internet using a recognized electronic certificate.

For the purposes of this tax, the following taxpayers are considered Large Companies:

  1. Those whose volume of operations, calculated in accordance with the provisions of the VAT Law, would have exceeded 6,010,121.04 euros during the immediately preceding calendar year.

  2. Those who have made the acquisition of all or part of a business or professional asset, when the sum of their volume of operations in the immediately preceding calendar year and the volume of operations that the transferor of said asset had made in the same period through the use of the transferred asset had exceeded 6,010,121.04 euros.

    This provision shall apply from the moment in which the said transfer takes place, with effect from the day following the end of the settlement period during which it took place.


On July 3, year N, company "A" acquired a global set of assets and liabilities constituting a business unit. In year N-1 the volume of operations of entity "A" did not exceed 6,010,121.04 euros. In year N-1, the volume of operations of the acquired business exceeded the amount of 6,010,121.04 euros. ( DGT V1215-19).

Entity "A" will have a monthly settlement period from October 1 of year N. From this date it will be required to keep the registration books at the Electronic Headquarters of the AEAT .

These taxpayers are assigned to special Management units, so all their actions related to tax management will be limited to the scope of the Large Business Management Units, the Tax Assistance and Services Unit or the Tax and Customs Control Unit of the Central Delegation of Large Taxpayers.

VAT taxpayers must determine the tax debt, through self-assessments adjusted to the models approved by the Minister of Finance and Public Function, and must enter the tax debt in the place, form and terms established throughout this chapter. they will be exposing.

Those taxpayers who exclusively carry out operations exempt from articles 20 (exemptions in domestic operations) and 26 (exempt intra-community acquisitions) of the VAT Law are not required to carry out self-assessments, except for entities included in the Special Regime for Groups of Taxpayers. Entities that must submit form 322 in all cases, taking into account the specialty of the tax regime.

In the case of imports of goods, the tax shall be settled in the manner provided for by customs legislation for tariff duties.

However, the collection and payment of the VAT quotas on imports may be carried out through the self-assessment corresponding to the period in which the document recording the liquidation carried out by the company is received. Customs, as long as the importer is a businessman or professional who acts as such and has a monthly settlement period. In order to carry out this deferred payment of VAT on imports, this option must be exercised generally during the month of November prior to the beginning of the calendar year in which it will take effect.

Entrepreneurs or professionals who, meeting the requirements, do not opt for the application of the import regime, may opt for a special modality for the declaration and payment of VAT on import when the following requirements are met:

  • That the intrinsic value of the shipment does not exceed 150 euros.

  • That the goods are not subject to special taxes.

  • That the end-use of the shipment or transportation of the goods is the territory of application of the tax.