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Practical manual VAT 2024.

Chapter 1. New features to highlight in 2024

  1. 1. Rectifying self-assessment
  2. 2. Tax rates
  3. 3. Simplified regimes and those of agriculture, livestock and fishing
  4. 4. Content of records to be kept by payment service providers and obligation to declare their content
  5. 5. Adaptations of the RIVA to the modifications introduced in the LIVA by the LPGE for the year 2023
  6. 6. Refunds to certain non-established entrepreneurs or professionals
  7. 7. Form 303
  8. 8. Form 322
  9. 9. Form 390
  10. 10. Model 361
  11. 11. New Model 379
  12. 12. Form 037