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Practical Manual of Companies 2020.

RIC case studies

Example 1

In the tax period that began on January 1, 2019, company "A", domiciled in the Canary Islands, makes an allocation to RIC , charged to the profits of the 2019 financial year, in the amount of 1,000 euros. In this same period, said company has profits that are not subject to distribution of 1,000,000 euros.

In 2020, it acquired a material asset for 1,000 euros that contributes to improving the environment in the Canary Islands. In this same period, said company has profits that are not subject to distribution of 1,000,000 euros.

As in fiscal year 2019, in fiscal year 2020, company A has profits that are not subject to distribution of 1,000,000 euros.

In this case, the reduction that company "A" may apply to its tax base will be limited to 90 percent of the part of the profit obtained that is not subject to distribution:

Limit: 90% x 1,000,000 euros = €900,000.

Fiscal year 2019 :

Note: This example assumes that in fiscal year 2019 the table relating to Advance Investments already existed.

Company "A" makes a contribution to the RIC in the amount of 1,000 euros from its 2019 profits (it can make it because it meets the limit, since 1,000 euros < 900,000 euros), therefore You must enter an amount of 1,000 euros in the row "Amount of the RIC endowment charged to 2019 profits" of the table "Special reserve regime for investments in the Canary Islands (Law 19/1994)" on the page 22 of the 200 model.

In addition, must complete on page 13 of form 200, the box [00404] “Reserve for investments in the Canary Islands (Law 19/1994)” (negative adjustment) in the amount of 1,000 euros , since it is the value of the reduction in the tax base for the 2019 financial year that is made due to the allocation to the RIC.

However, an amount of 1,000 euros remains to be realized in subsequent periods . For this reason, company "A" must complete, in the first table on page 22 of Form 200, column "Pending materialization of RIC in future periods", in the corresponding row to the RIC 2019 for the amount of 1,000 euros .

In accordance with the above, company "A" must complete the adjustment on page 13 and the table on page 22 of form 200 corresponding to the 2020 financial year, as follows:

Detail of the corrections to the result of the P and G account (page 13 of model 200)

Canary Islands investment reserve (Law 19/1994)





Special regime of the reserve for investments in the Canary Islands (page 22 of model 200)
RICPending materialization
RIC at beginning
of period
Applied / materialized in this settlementPending materialization
RIC at the end of the period
Planned investments
letters A and B, art. 27.4 Law 19/1994
Planned investments
letters B bis, C and D, art. 27.4 Law 19/1994
Anticipated investments
considered materialization
of the RIC in this liquidation
RIC 2019 --- --- --- --- 1,000
Amount of the RIC endowment charged to 2019 profits
[00927] 1,000

Fiscal year 2020 :

Company "A" does not make a provision to the RIC in this year, so should not complete the row "Amount of the RIC provision charged to 2020 profits" of the "Regime" table special reserve for investments in the Canary Islands (Law 19/1994)» on page 22 of model 200.

In addition, must not complete the box [00404] “Reserve for investments in the Canary Islands (Law 19/1994)” (negative adjustment) on page 13 of form 200, since it will not be reduced the tax base for the 2020 financial year due to the allocation to the RIC.

Keep in mind that the investment made by company B in fiscal year 2020 is not considered an anticipated investment, since, although RIC is not allocated in 2020, the investment in this fiscal year is a materialization of the provision of the reserve that was made. in 2019.

At the beginning of fiscal year 2020, 1,000 euros remain to be materialized of the allocation to the RIC charged to 2019 profits made in fiscal year 2019, so company "A" must record in the first table on page 22 of Form 200 relating to the Special Regime of the reserve for investments in the Canary Islands (Law 19/1994) column "Pending materialization of RIC at the beginning of the period", in the row corresponding to the RIC 2019 , the amount of 1,000 euros.

The amount invested in the 2020 period is 1,000 euros, so company "A" must complete the first table on page 22 of Form 200 related to the Special Regime of the reserve for investments in the Canary Islands (Law 19/1994) stating in column «Investments planned letters B bis, C and D, art. 27.4 Law 19/1994", in the row corresponding to RIC 2019 , the amount of the materialization, that is, 1,000 euros . In fiscal year 2020, the total amount of the provision made during 2019 is materialized, so there is nothing pending to be materialized for future years. For this reason, company "A" should not complete the column "Pending RIC materialization at the end of the period."

In this way, the adjustment on page 13 and the table on page 22 of model 200 corresponding to the 2020 financial year will be completed as follows:

Detail of the corrections to the result of the P and G account (page 13 of model 200)

Canary Islands investment reserve (Law 19/1994)





Special regime of the reserve for investments in the Canary Islands (page 22 of model 200)
RICPending materialization
RIC at beginning
of period
Applied / materialized in this settlementPending materialization
RIC at the end of the period
Planned investments
letters A and B, art. 27.4 Law 19/1994
Planned investments
letters B bis, C and D, art. 27.4 Law 19/1994
Anticipated investments
considered materialization
of the RIC in this liquidation
RIC 2019 1,000 --- 1,000 --- 0
Amount of the RIC endowment charged to 2020 benefits
[00927] 0

Example 2

In the tax period that began on January 1, 2019, company "B", domiciled in the Canary Islands, acquires property, plant and equipment for 1,000 euros that contributes to improving the environment in the Canary Islands.

Company "B" does not make any allocation to RIC in fiscal year 2019.

In 2020, it does not make any investment in which the RIC could materialize, although, with a charge to the 2020 profits, company "B" accounts for an allocation to the RIC in the amount of 1,000 euros in 2021.

In both 2019 and 2020, company "B" has profits that are not subject to distribution of 1,000,000 euros.

In both 2019 and 2020, the reduction that company "B" may apply to its tax base will be limited to 90 percent of the part of the profit obtained that is not subject to distribution:

Limit: 90% x 1,000,000 euros = €900,000.

Fiscal year 2019 :

Note: This example assumes that in fiscal year 2019 the table relating to Advance Investments already existed.

Company "B" does not make a provision to the RIC in this year, so will not have to complete the row "Amount of the RIC provision charged to 2019 profits" of the table " Special regime of the reserve for investments in the Canary Islands (Law 19/1994)» on page 22 of model 200.

In addition, must not complete the box [00404] “Reserve for investments in the Canary Islands (Law 19/1994)” (negative adjustment) on page 13 of form 200, since it will not be reduced the tax base for the 2019 financial year due to the allocation to the RIC.

The amount invested in advance in fiscal year 2019 is 1,000 euros, so it remains to fund the RIC with a charge to profits obtained until December 31, 2021 for this amount. In this case, company ;«B» will have to complete the table relating to Advance Investments , specifically must be completed row Anticipated investments 2019 ##3##, the box corresponding to column «Predicted investments letters B bis, C and D, art. 27.4 Law 19/1994" for the amount of 1,000 euros , as well as, in that same row, box "Pending RIC provision at the end of the period » worth 1,000 euros . In addition, in fiscal year 2019 must communicate the materialization and its financing system together with the Corporate Tax declaration.

In this way, the adjustment on page 13 and the table on page 22 of model 200 corresponding to the 2019 financial year will be completed as follows:

Detail of the corrections to the result of the P and G account (page 13 of model 200)

Canary Islands investment reserve (Law 19/1994)





Special regime of the reserve for investments in the Canary Islands (page 22 of model 200)
Advance investments
to provide RIC
at the beginning of the period
Planned investments
letters A and B,
art. 27.4 Law 19/1994
Planned investments
letters B bis, C and D,
art. 27.4 Law 19/1994
Pending provision
RIC at the end of the period
Anticipated investments 2019 --- --- 1,000 1,000
Amount of the RIC endowment charged to 2019 profits
[00927] 0

Fiscal year 2020 :

Company "B" makes a contribution to the RIC in the amount of 1,000 euros from the profits of this year (it can make it because it meets the limit, since 1,000 euros < 900,000 euros), so must enter an amount of 1,000 euros in the row "Amount of the RIC endowment Amount of the RIC endowment charged to 2020 profits" of the table "Special regime of the reserve for investments in the Canary Islands (Law 19/1994 )» on page 22 of model 200.

In addition, must complete on page 13 of form 200, box [00404] “Reserve for investments in the Canary Islands (Law 19/1994)” (negative adjustment) in the amount of 1,000 euros , since it is the value of the reduction in the tax base for fiscal year 2020 that is made due to the allocation to the RIC.

In fiscal year 2020, company "B" does not make any investment , but will be considered materialized in fiscal year 2020 the investment made in 2019 . Therefore, said company must complete in the first table on page 22 of Form 200 relating to the Special Regime of the reserve for investments in the Canary Islands (Law 19/1994) the column «Advanced investments considered materialization of the RIC in this settlement", in the row corresponding to the RIC 2020 , for the amount that is considered materialized in 2020 due to the RIC having been allocated, that is, 1,000 euros.

Company "B" must also complete the table relating to Advance Investments. At the beginning of fiscal year 2020, the RIC is pending provision for an amount of 1,000 euros, due to the anticipated investment that was made in fiscal year 2019. For this reason, company "B" must complete the column "Pending RIC at the beginning of the period", in the row corresponding to the RIC 2019 for the amount of 1,000 euros . The amount invested in 2019 was 1,000 euros and the allocation to the RIC in 2020 was 1,000 euros, so at the end of the 2020 financial year there is no pending provision for RIC for any amount . For this reason, company "B" should not complete the column "Pending RIC at the end of the period", in the row corresponding to the RIC 2019 .

In this way, the adjustment on page 13 and the table on page 22 of model 200 corresponding to the 2020 financial year will be completed as follows:

Detail of the corrections to the result of the P and G account (page 13 of model 200)
Canary Islands investment reserve (Law 19/1994) [00403] --- [00404] 1,000
Special regime of the reserve for investments in the Canary Islands (page 22 of model 200)
RICPending materialization
RIC at beginning
of period
Applied / materialized in this settlementPending materialization
RIC at the end of the period
Planned investments
letters A and B, art. 27.4 Law 19/1994
Planned investments
letters B bis, C and D, art. 27.4 Law 19/1994
Anticipated investments
considered materialization
of the RIC in this liquidation
RIC 2019 --- --- --- --- ---
RIC 2020 --- --- --- 1,000 ---
Amount of the RIC endowment charged to 2020 benefits
[00927] 1,000
Advance investments
to provide RIC
at the beginning of the period
Planned investments
letters A and B,
art. 27.4 Law 19/1994
Planned investments
letters B bis, C and D,
art. 27.4 Law 19/1994
Pending provision
RIC at the end of the period
Anticipated investments 2019 1,000 --- --- 0
Anticipated investments 2020 --- --- --- ---

Example 3

In the tax period that began on January 1, 2018, company "C", domiciled in the Canary Islands, acquires property, plant and equipment for 1,000 euros that contributes to improving the environment in the Canary Islands.

Company "C" makes a contribution to the RIC in the amount of 200 euros from its 2018 profits.

In fiscal year 2019, company "C" does not make any investment in which the RIC could materialize, although, out of the profits of this fiscal year, said company makes an endowment to the RIC in the amount of 600 euros.

In fiscal year 2020, company "C" does not make any investment in which the RIC could materialize, although, out of the profits of this fiscal year, said company makes an endowment to the RIC in the amount of 800 euros.

Both in fiscal year 2018 and in fiscal years 2019 and 2020, company "C" has profits that are not subject to distribution of 1,000,000 euros.

Both in fiscal year 2018 and in fiscal years 2019 and 2020, the reduction that company "C" may apply to its tax base will be limited to 90 percent of the part of the profit obtained that is not subject to distribution:

Limit: 90% x 1,000,000 euros = €900,000.

Fiscal year 2018 :

Note: This example assumes that in fiscal year 2018 the table relating to Advance Investments already existed.

Company "C" made a contribution to the RIC in the amount of 200 euros from the profits of this year (it can make it because it meets the limit, since 200 euros < 900,000 euros), therefore must enter an amount of 200 euros in the row "Amount of the RIC 2018 allocation" of the table "Special regime of the reserve for investments in the Canary Islands (Law 19/1994)" on page 22 of form 200 .

In addition, must complete on page 13 of form 200, box [00404] “Reserve for investments in the Canary Islands (Law 19/1994)” (negative adjustment) for the amount 200 euros , since it is the value of the reduction in the tax base for fiscal year 2018 that was made due to the allocation to the RIC.

In 2018, company "C" must complete in the first table on page 22 of Form 200 relating to the Special Regime of the reserve for investments in the Canary Islands (Law 19/1994) the column "Advance investments considered materialization of the RIC in this settlement", in the row corresponding to the RIC 2018 , period in which the investment was made, for the amount that was considers materialized in 2018 due to the RIC having been endowed, that is, 200 euros .

The amount invested in advance in fiscal year 2018 is 1,000 euros , as RIC was provided in 2018 for the amount of 200 euros, remains to be provided to the RIC with charged to the profits obtained until December 31, 2020 in the amount of 800 euros. In this case, company "C" must complete the table relating to Advance investments on page 22 of Form 200, specifically, it will have to complete box "Investments anticipated 2018» of column «Planned investments letters B bis, C and D, art. 27.4 Law 19/1994", for the amount of 1,000 euros , as well as column "Pending RIC provision at the end of the period" in the row relating to “Advance investments 2018”” in the amount of 800 euros . Furthermore, in fiscal year 2018, must communicate the materialization and its financing system together with the Corporate Tax declaration.

In this way, the adjustment on page 13 and the table on page 22 of model 200 corresponding to the 2018 financial year will be completed as follows:

Detail of the corrections to the result of the P and G account (page 13 of model 200)

Canary Islands investment reserve (Law 19/1994)





RICPending materialization
RIC at beginning
of period
Applied / materialized in this settlementPending materialization
RIC at the end of the period
Planned investments
letters A and B, art. 27.4 Law 19/1994
Planned investments
letters B bis, C and D, art. 27.4 Law 19/1994
Anticipated investments
considered materialization
of the RIC in this liquidation
RIC 2018 --- --- --- 200 ---
Amount of the RIC endowment charged to 2018 profits
[00927] 200
Advance investments
to provide RIC
at the beginning of the period
Planned investments
letters A and B,
art. 27.4 Law 19/1994
Planned investments
letters B bis, C and D,
art. 27.4 Law 19/1994
Pending provision
RIC at the end of the period
Anticipated investments 2018 --- --- 1,000 800

Fiscal year 2019 :

Note: This example assumes that in fiscal year 2019 the table relating to Advance Investments already existed.

Company "C" makes a contribution to the RIC in the amount of 600 euros from the profits of this year (it can make it because it meets the limit, since 600 euros < 900,000 euros), so You must enter an amount of 600 euros in the row "Amount of the RIC endowment charged to 2019 profits" of the table "Special reserve regime for investments in the Canary Islands (Law 19/1994)" on the page 22 of the 200 model.

In addition, must complete on page 13 of form 200, box [00404] “Reserve for investments in the Canary Islands (Law 19/1994)” (negative adjustment) in the amount of 600 euros , since it is the value of the reduction in the tax base for fiscal year 2019 that was made due to the allocation to the RIC.

In fiscal year 2019, company "C" does not make any investment , but part of the investment made in 2018 will be considered materialized in fiscal year 2019. Therefore, said company must complete in the first table on page 22 of Form 200 relating to the Special Regime of the reserve for investments in the Canary Islands (Law 19/1994) the column «Advanced investments considered materialization of the RIC in this settlement", in the row corresponding to the RIC 2019 , for the amount that is considered materialized in 2019 due to the RIC having been allocated, that is, 600 euros.

At the beginning of fiscal year 2019, the RIC is pending provision for an amount of 800 euros, due to the anticipated investment that was made in fiscal year 2018 . For this reason, company "C" must complete in the table relating to Advance Investments the column "Pending RIC provision at the beginning of the period", in the row corresponding to RIC 2018 for the amount of 800 euros . The amount invested in advance in fiscal year 2018 was 1,000 euros and the endowment to the RIC in fiscal year 2018 was 200 euros, in 2019 it is 600 euros, so at the end of fiscal year 2019, remains pending to provide RIC in the amount of 200 euros .

In this way, the adjustment on page 13 and the table on page 22 of model 200 corresponding to the 2019 financial year will be completed as follows:

Detail of the corrections to the result of the P and G account (page 13 of model 200)

Canary Islands investment reserve (Law 19/1994)





RICPending materialization
RIC at beginning
of period
Applied / materialized in this settlementPending materialization
RIC at the end of the period
Planned investments
letters A and B, art. 27.4 Law 19/1994
Planned investments
letters B bis, C and D, art. 27.4 Law 19/1994
Anticipated investments
considered materialization
of the RIC in this liquidation
RIC 2018 --- --- --- --- ---
RIC 2019 --- --- --- 600 ---
Amount of the RIC endowment charged to 2019 profits
[00927] 600
Advance investments
to provide RIC
at the beginning of the period
Planned investments
letters A and B,
art. 27.4 Law 19/1994
Planned investments
letters B bis, C and D,
art. 27.4 Law 19/1994
Pending provision
RIC at the end of the period
Anticipated investments 2018 800 --- --- 200
Anticipated investments 2019 --- --- --- ---

Fiscal year 2020 :

Company "C" will make a contribution to the RIC in the amount of 800 euros from the profits of this year (it can make it because it meets the limit, since 800 euros < 900,000 euros), so must enter an amount of 800 euros in the row «Amount of the RIC allocation 2020» of the table «Special regime of the reserve for investments in the Canary Islands (Law 19/1994 )» on page 22 of model 200.

In addition, must complete on page 13 of form 200, box [00404] “Reserve for investments in the Canary Islands (Law 19/1994)” (negative adjustment) for the amount 800 euros , since it is the value of the reduction in the tax base for fiscal year 2020 that was made due to the allocation to the RIC.

In fiscal year 2020, company "C" does not make any investment , but part of the investment made in 2018 will be considered materialized in fiscal year 2020. Therefore, said company must complete in the first table on page 22 of Form 200 relating to the Special Regime of the reserve for investments in the Canary Islands (Law 19/1994) the column «Advanced investments considered materialization of the RIC in this settlement", in the row corresponding to the RIC 2020 , for the amount that is considered materialized in 2020 due to the RIC having been allocated, that is, 200 euros.

Regarding the table relating to Advance Investments , at the beginning of fiscal year 2020 the RIC is pending to be allocated an amount of 200 euros, due to the advance investment that was made in fiscal year 2018 . For this reason, company "C" must complete the column "Pending RIC at the beginning of the period" , in the row corresponding to the RIC 2018 for the amount of 200 euros .

The amount invested in 2018 was 1,000 euros and the endowment to the RIC in 2018 was 200 euros, in 2019 it was 600 euros and in 2020 it was 800 euros, therefore, in the table relating to Advance investments There is no pending provision of RIC for any amount at the end of the 2020 financial year. For this reason, company "C" must not complete the box "Pending provision of RIC at the end of the period", in the row corresponding to the RIC 2018.

Although in fiscal year 2020, a total reserve of 800 euros will be allocated , of which 200 euros correspond to the materialization of anticipated investments made in fiscal year 2018 , so would be pending materialization in subsequent periods of an amount of 600 euros . For this reason, company "C" must complete, in the first table on page 22 of Form 200, column "Pending materialization of RIC at the end of the period", in the row corresponding to the RIC 2020 for the amount of 600 euros .

Detail of the corrections to the result of the P and G account (page 13 of model 200)

Canary Islands investment reserve (Law 19/1994)





RICPending materialization
RIC at beginning
of period
Applied / materialized in this settlementPending materialization
RIC at the end of the period
Planned investments
letters A and B, art. 27.4 Law 19/1994
Planned investments
letters B bis, C and D, art. 27.4 Law 19/1994
Anticipated investments
considered materialization
of the RIC in this liquidation
RIC 2018 --- --- --- --- ---
RIC 2019 --- --- --- --- ---
RIC 2020 --- --- --- 200 600
Amount of the RIC endowment charged to 2020 benefits
[00927] 800
Advance investments
to provide RIC
at the beginning of the period
Planned investments
letters A and B,
art. 27.4 Law 19/1994
Planned investments
letters B bis, C and D,
art. 27.4 Law 19/1994
Pending provision
RIC at the end of the period
Anticipated investments 2018 200 --- --- 0
Anticipated investments 2019 --- --- --- ---
Anticipated investments 2020 --- --- --- ---