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Practical Manual for Companies 2020.

Holdings of the taxpayer in other entities

This subsection must include all information relating to the reporting entity's direct holdings in other entities, with an amount at the end of the period equal to or greater than 5 percent of the capital or 1 percent in the case of securities listed on an organized secondary market. For these purposes, the reporting entity must complete the following data in the manner indicated below:

Data of the investee

The data relating to the identification of the participating entity must be completed: « NIF » (in the event that said entity does not have a NIF in Spain, it must indicate the equivalent of the country of residence) and «Name or company name» . Likewise, the data relating to the residence of said entity must be completed: «Province/country code» (see in this regard the section « Notes common to sections A and B on page 2 » of this chapter).

Data in the declarant's records

The figure corresponding to the percentage of participation (with two decimal places), the total nominal value of the participation, the book value of the participation and the dividend income (corresponding to the participation) received in the year being declared must be completed.

In relation to income from dividends received in the declared year, data corresponding to dividends from entities that at the end of the year do not meet the minimum participation (5 percent or 1 percent if they are listed), but that did meet it at the time when they received the dividend, must also be included.

Finally, in column "Total" (boxes [01501] to [01503]), the sum of the amounts collected in the following rows will be recorded: “Total nominal value of the participation” (box [01501]), “Book value of the participation” (box [01502]) and “Dividend income received in the declared fiscal year” (box [01503]). In the event that due to the length of the data declared (i.e., more than three participating entities are listed), more than one page must be completed, these boxes will only be displayed on the last page completed for this purpose.

Impairment adjustments and changes in fair value

This section must be completed whenever the shares are held in which the holder has held more than 5 percent of the capital, or 1 percent if the securities are listed on an organized secondary market throughout the year, and whose nominal value exceeds €100,000 (including in this calculation the shares transferred during the year), stating the following data:

  1. Value correction included in profit and loss for fiscal year .

    The amount of the variation or correction in the value of the shares that has been applied in the accounting field must be included with its corresponding sign in the Profit and Loss Account:

    • In case of decrease in value or deterioration in value, with a negative sign (-).
    • In case of reversal of impairment, with a positive sign (+).
    • In case of increase in value, with a positive sign (+).

    In the event of disposal of the participation, the amount corresponding to the application of accumulated impairments, with a (+) sign, or the amount corresponding to the application of accumulated positive corrections, with a negative (-) sign.

  2. Reversal of impairment losses on securities ( DT 16 LIS ) .

    The amount of the tax correction that applies according to the provisions of the sixteenth transitional provision of the LIS will be included. Therefore, the amount to be recorded will be that of the tax correction on the accounting impairment, that is, the difference between the reversal of the accounting impairment and the reversal of the tax impairment in application of the sixteenth transitional provision of the LIS. If this tax correction is an increase, its amount will have a positive sign (+), and if it is a decrease, a negative sign (-).

  3. Elimination of accounting impairment included in P&L (article 13.2 b) LIS) .

    The amount of the tax correction corresponding to the elimination, in accordance with the terms established in article 13.2.b) of the LIS, of the losses due to impairment of the securities representing participation in the capital or equity of entities that, in the accounting field, have been applied in the Profit and Loss Account, must be included with a positive sign (+).

  4. Elimination of impairment of repr. values. of participation in the capital or equity (art. 15 k) LIS)

    The amount of the tax correction corresponding to the elimination, in accordance with the terms established in article 15.k) of the LIS, of the losses due to impairment of the securities representing participation in the capital or equity of entities that, in the accounting field, have been applied in the Profit and Loss Account, must be included with a positive sign (+).

  5. Adjustment for the decrease in value caused by the fair value criterion (art. 15 l) LIS)

    The amount of the tax correction corresponding to the decreases in value caused by the application of the fair value criterion corresponding to securities representing the participations in the capital or equity of entities referred to in article 15 l) of the LIS that, in the accounting field, have been applied in the Profit and Loss Account must be included with a positive sign (+).

  6. Effect of the valuation correction in the BI of the exercise (= a + b + c + d + e) .

    The amount relating to the effect that the corrections included in letters a), b), c), d) and e) above produce in the taxable base (BI) of the Corporate Tax for the corresponding year will be included with the resulting sign. This amount will be obtained from the algebraic sum of the amounts stated in letters a), b), c), d) and e) referred to.

  7. Balance of fiscal corrections (art. 12.3 RDLeg. 4/2004) pending at the end of the financial year.

    The balance of the tax corrections to the impairments and decreases in accounting value that are pending incorporation into the tax base must be included.

    Finally, in column "Total" (boxes [01504], [01505], [01506], [01809], [01810], [01507] and [01508]), the sum of the amounts collected in each of the rows corresponding to letters a), b), c), d), e), f) and g) will be recorded. In the event that due to the length of the data declared (i.e., more than three participating entities are listed), more than one page must be completed, these boxes will only be displayed on the last page completed for this purpose.

Additional information about the investee

Only in the case where the participating entity is foreign and the impairment suffered is determined in relation to the net worth of the participating entity, the amounts corresponding to the following data must be additionally included: "Capital" , "Reserves and other equity items" , "Other equity items" (with the (+) or (-) sign as appropriate) and "Result of the last fiscal year" (with the (+) or (-) sign as appropriate).