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Practical Manual for Companies 2020.

Calculation: practical example

In order to calculate the amount of this deduction, the increase in persons/year of the average number of workers with disabilities experienced in the tax period must be determined, compared to the average number of workers of the same nature in the immediately preceding period.

Therefore, it will be necessary to first perform the following calculation:

[Δ M3] = [M2] - [M1]


  • M1 is the average number of employees with disabilities in persons/year corresponding to the immediately preceding period.

  • M2 is the average number of employees with disabilities in persons/year corresponding to the reporting period.

  • Δ M3 is the increase in the average number of employees in persons/year corresponding to workers with disabilities.

Once the increase in the average number of employees in persons/year corresponding to workers with disabilities has been calculated (Δ [M3]), the deduction for job creation generated in the year will be the result of applying the amount of 9,000 or 12,000 euros to said increase:

[ΔM3] x 9,000 or [ΔM3] x 12,000


In 2019, Corporation "X", whose tax period coincides with the calendar year, had an average workforce of 5 workers with disabilities equal to or greater than 33 percent and less than 65 percent. At the end of the year, there were a total of six disabled employees.

During 2020, the company's workforce experienced the following changes:

  • On June 30, a worker without any type of disability was hired.

  • On July 1, two workers with disabilities of 33 and 34 percent were hired.

  • On October 1, a worker with a 33 percent disability was hired.

    • Average number of workers with disabilities in 2019 (calculation):

      6 + [(6/12) x 2] + [(3/12) x 1] = 7.25

    • Increase in men/year employed with the right to deduction:

      7.25 - 5 = 2.25

    • Calculation of the deduction for job creation:

      9,000 x 2.25 = 20,250 euros