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Practical Manual for Companies 2021.

B.1) General case (companies with a single percentage)

Box 16. Basis of split payment

In box [16] the taxpayers who, by paying tax under a single tax rate in the current tax period, apply the corresponding and only percentage to it, will record the base of the fractional payment.

Box [16] = box [13] - box [44] - box [14] + box [45] - box [46], which cannot be negative.

Box 17. Percentage

For the split payment for the 2018 financial year and subsequent years, this box will be calculated as follows:

Box [17] = 5/7 x tax rate indicated in the tax rate box, all rounded down to the previous unit, provided that the entity's turnover in the twelve months prior to the date on which the tax period begins is less than 10 million euros.

Tax rateApplicable percentage
30 21
25 17
20 14
15 10
10 7
4 2
1 0
0 0

However, for taxpayers whose net turnover in the 12 months prior to the date on which the tax period begins is at least 10 million euros, this box will be calculated as follows:

Box [17] = 19/20 x tax rate indicated in the tax rate box, all rounded up.

Tax rateApplicable percentage
30 29
25 24
20 19
15 15
10 10
4 4
1 1
0 0

Special case: If you check the box "Entity that applies the regime for shipping entities based on tonnage" Box [17] must be, in any case, 25.

Box 47. Provisions of art. 11.12 of the LIS ( DA 7 Law 20/1990) (only cooperatives)

The Seventh Additional Provision of Law 20/1990, which, among other things, for cooperatives to which Law 20/1990 applies, establishes that the limit referred to in article 11.12 of the LIS (70 percent of the positive tax base prior to its integration, the application of the capitalization reserve established in article 25 of the LIS and the compensation of negative tax bases), will refer to the positive integral quota, without taking into account its integration or the compensation of negative quotas.

In cooperative societies, it will be applied after applying the tax rate, and it will be necessary to convert the amount to a quota, depending on the corresponding tax rate.

Cooperative societies that apply this limit will make the positive or negative adjustment that arises from it in this box and will not make any corrections to the accounting result prior to determining the tax base.

Box 40. Compensation of negative quotas from previous periods (cooperatives only)

Cooperatives will fill in this box for any negative amounts to be offset from previous periods.

The offset of negative quotas from previous periods is limited to 70 percent of the full quota prior to offset. However, and as established in the Eighth Additional Provision of Law 20/1990, for taxpayers whose net turnover is at least 20 million euros during the 12 months prior to the date on which the tax period begins, the limit established in article 24.1 of Law 20/1990 will be replaced by the following:

  • 50 percent, when in the referred 12 months the net amount of the turnover is at least 20 million euros but less than 60 million euros.

  • 25 percent, when the net turnover in the referred 12 months is at least 60 million euros.

In any case, full amounts will be offset in the tax period by the amount resulting from multiplying 1 million euros by the average tax rate of the entity.

The limitation on the compensation of negative quotas indicated in the previous paragraphs will not apply to the amount of income corresponding to reductions and delays resulting from an agreement with creditors not related to the taxpayer in the case in which the net amount of the turnover is at least 20 million euros during the 12 months prior to the date on which the tax period begins.

Boxes 48 and 49. Leveling reserve (art. 105 LIS) converted into quotas (only entities of art. 101 LIS)

The equalization reserve is a tax incentive applicable to small entities (those whose turnover in the immediately preceding tax period is less than 10 million euros) that apply the tax rate provided for in the first paragraph of article 29.1 of the LIS. In this regard, the amount corresponding to the levelling reserve is not included in the corrections to the accounting result. Following the corrections to the accounting result, a prior tax base is obtained, on which the compensation of negative tax bases would be applied), and the tax base is obtained, on which, where applicable, the leveling reserve would be applied, which must be taken into account for the purposes of fractional payments, as indicated in article 105.5 of the LIS and which may reduce or add to that tax base.

Thus, provided that the requirements set out in article 101 of the LIS are met and the general tax rate is applied (which will be applied by cooperative societies that are not considered tax protected), the positive tax base may be reduced (provided that it does not exceed the amount of 1 million euros) by up to 10 percent of its amount. In the event of a reduction in the tax base, a reserve must be created against the positive results of the year for the amount of said reduction. The amount of the reduction, converted into installments by applying the applicable tax rate, must be included in box [49].

These amounts will be added to the tax base of the tax periods that end in the 5 years immediately following the end of the tax period in which said reduction is made, if the taxpayer has a negative tax base and up to the amount thereof. The additional amount, converted into installments by applying the applicable tax rate, must be included in box [48].

These boxes will be used by cooperative societies that, where applicable, meet the requirements to apply this tax incentive.

Box 18. Previous result

The amount resulting from applying the percentage stated in box [17] to the split payment base stated in box [16] will be entered in this box, to which the amount in boxes [47] and [48] will be added and reduced by the amount in box [49], as can be seen below:

box [18] = [[16] x ([17]/100)] + [47] + [48] - [49]

In the case of cooperative societies, when calculating the amount to be entered in box [18], they will also take into account the amount in box [40] on the compensation of negative quotas from previous periods, which will be as follows:

box [18] = [[16] x ([17]/100)] + [47] – [40]

Likewise, in the case of cooperative societies that are not considered tax protected, when calculating the amount to be entered in box [18], they will take into account, in addition to box [40], the amount of boxes [48] and [49] referring to the equalization reserve:

box [18] = [[16] x ([17]/100)] + [47] – [40] + [48] - [49]