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Practical Manual of Companies 2021.

Previous agreements

For the purposes of applying this reduction, prior to carrying out the operations, the taxpayer may request the Tax Administration to adopt a prior valuation agreement in relation to the income from of the transfer of assets and associated expenses, as well as the income generated in the transfer.

This request will be accompanied by a valuation proposal , which will be based on the market value.

The proposal will be considered rejected following the resolution period.

Likewise, prior to carrying out the operations, the taxpayer may request from the Tax Administration a prior agreement to classify the assets as belonging to any of the categories referred to in article 23.1 of the LIS. , and valuation in relation to the income from the transfer of those and the associated expenses, as well as the income generated in the transmission.

This application will accompany an assessment proposal, which will be based on market value.

The proposal will be considered rejected following the resolution period.

The resolution of this agreement will require binding report issued by the General Directorate of Taxes, in relation to the classification of the assets. If it is deemed appropriate, the General Directorate of Taxes may request a non-binding opinion on the matter from the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (currently, the Ministry of Science and Innovation).