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Practical Manual of Companies 2022.

Payments in instalments

Regulation: Article 116 LIS

Taxpayers who take advantage of this special regime must make installment payments in accordance with the modality established in article 40.3 of the LIS, applied to the tax base calculated in accordance with the rules established in article 114 of this Law and applying the percentage corresponding to the general tax rate regulated in article 115 of the LIS, without computing any deduction on the part of the quota derived from the part of the tax base determined according to the provisions of article 114.1 of the LIS.

For these purposes, in forms 202 and 222, when checking the box "Entity that applies the regime for shipping entities based on tonnage" the percentage of is automatically entered. 25 percent.

In accordance with the modification in the fourteenth Additional Provision of the LIS, introduced by article four of Law 8/2018, of November 5, which modifies Law 19/1994, of July 6, modifying the Economic and Fiscal Regime of the Canary Islands, is excluded from the minimum installment payment to entities that pay taxes under the special tonnage regime.

For these taxpayers, in the case of companies with turnover equal to or greater than 10 million euros, the minimum amount of the installment payment will not apply, so the form completion of form 202 will not perform the calculation in box 33 (minimum to enter).

In the case of entities whose tax base is determined partly in accordance with the objective estimation method and partly by applying the general tax regime (activities not included in the special regime), in addition to marking in form 202 the box "Entity that applies the regime of shipping entities based on tonnage", they must also check the box "Other entities with the possibility of applying two tax rates".

In these cases, 25/25N will be entered in the box “Type of current Corporate Tax assessment”.

In section "B.2 Specific cases (entities with more than one percentage)" , in box 20 (based on type 1) will include the base of the fractional payment that corresponds to the activities of the entity that are taxed under the general regime and in box 23 (based on type 2), the base of the corresponding fractional payment will be included to the activities of the entity that are taxed under a special regime.

Likewise, these entities whose tax base is determined partly in accordance with the objective estimation method and partly by applying the general tax regime, in the cases of entities with turnover equal to or greater than 10 million of euros, the declarant must include in box 33 (minimum to enter) the amount that, if applicable, corresponds to the activities included in the general regime, since these Activities are not excluded from the minimum installment payment. This information must be entered directly by the declarant.