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Practical Manual for Companies 2022.

Calculation of the taxable base after the levelling reserve (box 01330)

The entities that apply the leveling reserve in the terms of article 105 of the LIS , must enter in box [01330] "Tax base after the leveling reserve" on page 14 of form 200, the amount resulting from applying to the tax base (box [00552]) on page 13 of form 200, the adjustments included in boxes [01033] and [01034] "Leveling reserve" on page 13 of said form corresponding to the application of said tax incentive, making the following calculation:

box [01330] = [00552] + [01033] - [01034]

Keep in mind:

If the tax base entered in box [00552] is positive, it may be reduced by applying the equalization reserve by 10 percent with a maximum limit of 1 million euros.

For these purposes, only if box [00552] is positive , box [01034] of negative adjustment for leveling reserve may have content and its amount will be 10 percent of the base with a maximum limit of 1 million euros. The remaining amount, if any, will remain to be reduced in future periods.

If the tax base entered in box [00552] is negative, it will not be possible to reduce the tax base by applying the leveling reserve, since said reserve can only be applied when the tax base is positive.

However, if in previous positive periods the entity has reduced its positive tax base by applying the equalization reserve, that amount must be added to the negative tax base of the tax periods that end in the 5 years immediately following the end of the tax period in which said reduction is made, and up to the amount thereof.

In this way, only if box [00552] is negative, the box [01033] of positive adjustment for leveling reserve may have content and its amount will be the value of box [00552].

Box [01033] may be completed by entities that do not have the status of small size, since they may have lost that status when they add to their tax base the amounts that they reduced by applying the leveling reserve when they were considered small entities. Therefore, these entities, even if they do not have the status of small size, must also calculate box [01330] "Taxable base after the equalization reserve."

However, box [01034] can only be completed by small entities, since the reduction of the tax base by applying the leveling reserve is only possible for entities that have such status (previously, these entities must have checked box [00006] "Incentives for small entities (Chapter XI, Title VII LIS)" on page 1 of form 200).

Even if boxes [ ] and [01034] do not have content, box [01330] must be filled in. In this case, the amount in box [01330] will match the amount in box [00552].