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Practical Manual of Companies 2022.

Full amount due after the levelling reserve

This box can only be completed when the reporting entity is a cooperative society.

Cooperative societies must enter in box [01331] "Previous full fee after the leveling reserve" on page 14 of form 200, the amount resulting from applying the adjustments included in the boxes [01285] and [01286] "Equalization reserve converted into quotas (only entities of article 101 LIS )" corresponding to the application of said reserve, performing the following calculation:

Box [01331]= [00560] + [00210] - [00480] + [00408] - [01037] - [00561] + [01285] - [01286]

It must be met that the result of the operation [00560] + [00210] – [00480] + [00408] – [01037] is positive and greater than or equal to the amount contained in the box [00561 ], taking their amounts in absolute terms.

boxes [00210], [00480], [00408], and [01037] can only be positive, zero, or blank. That is, cannot have a negative value.